Imagine you control all the systems around just by a simple gesture and the things respond to you as if it was some magic. This could be possible with embedded system. An embedded system can be consisting of processors, associated peripherals, and software used for specific purpose. All manufacturing organizations, and sectors like telecommunications, banking, health care, avionics, automobile, food processing and also semiconductor industry etc. –uses embedded system for automation. In fact the 90 percent of the microprocessors manufactured end up in embedded system
The recent breathtaking development in microelectronics, processor speeds are increasing tremendously and memory costs are dropping rapidly. These development leads to a growing demand for embedded software development professionals. However, unlike in the olden days, when embedded system development was considered like “rocket science,” which is become easier today
Embedded System is combination of hardware and software that forms the component of larger system. Hardware is normally unique to given application. Computer chips are embedded into control electronics to manage the product’s functionality. The embedded system can be categories into four categories viz.; stand alone system, real-time system, network appliance system and mobile devices
The new development tools available today make the task easy. Also the production cost is decreasing with increase in complexity.
All these developments are leading to an era of invisible computing, or hidden computing where in computer does a job without a ubiquitous and physical presence. Thus embedded devices are becoming smaller, smarter and more integrated.
So needless to say, embedded software development is a very lucrative business these days .
well..that proves that we integrate our innovations to a higher level :)