
Wednesday, December 2, 2009




The word ROBOTICS comes form a Czech word "ROBOTA" meaning "forced labour".That is what robots have been used for years. But today these are being used from controlling nuclear reactions to highly complicated work of space exploration. Humanoids Robots are those robots which will work in independent environments without any human intervention in natural environments like we humans do, without being aimed to do a specific job. This seminar aims at discussing various features of a humanoid robot along with several complex considerations that must be taken into account while engineering a humanoid robot. At the same time it discuss how a machine is made to work like humans by incorporating vision ,speech, visual attention systems, face finding , face recognition by taking COG as a reference humanoid Robot.   COG is a humanoid robot developed at MIT, U.S.A.The seminar discusses some physical features of this robot. The system of COG aims at building a humanoid robot into which we can incorporate human like interacting capabilities.  If we are to build human-like robots that can interact naturally with people, robots must know not only about the properties of objects but also the properties of animate agents in the world. One of the fundamental social skills for humans is the attribution of beliefs, goals, and desires to other people. This set of skills has often been called a “theory of mind.”  Initial implementation details and basic skills (such as finding faces and eyes and distinguishing animate from inanimate stimuli) are discussed. Building social humanoids robots can be achieved by enabling the robot not only to interact with us , but at the same time remembering individuals , eye contacts, stimuli , and varying behaviors of this machine.Behaviour System, Stimuli Response ,Visual attention system, Imitation mechanisms ,Pointing and Guiding systems, Animate vision are some of the important features of a humanoid robot that are discussed. Concepts are discussed to a certain depth so as to make a clear, well understood picture of a Humanoid Robot.

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