
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Future of Computers

Future of Computers


Imagine you are taking a walk with your pet in a garden with lots of flowers, birds, butterflies around. You can smell those flowers, you can also feel the fur of your Pet, you can hear chirping of birds, you can see colorful butterflies, you can touch them, feel their softness and play with them. Now imagine this all as virtual. That is you are feeling the fur of non-existent pet or you are smelling flowers which never grew. This will be the future scenario 5-10 years down the line. Miracles as these are possible because of powerful computing and Simulation of Human Senses in Computers. Simulation along with Pervasive Computing can achieve much more than stated previously. Now imagine you do not like the scenario in garden and you want to change it to lets say desert, then you can do so by just blinking your eyes. In this seminar we are considering simulation of three senses in Computers. How it can be achieved along with their limitations and possible solutions. 

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