Short Term Course Recent Advances in Computational Sciences with Applications November 22-27, 2010
Important Dates
The last date for the receipt of duly endorsed applications: 20th September, 2010
Intimation to selected participants: 05.10.2010
Last date of receiving caution deposit: 30.10.2010
Please send the duly filled-up application form ( next page) before 15th September to the coordinator for registration.
N.B.: The selected participants have to send a demand draft of worth Rs.1000/- ( refundable) payable at Kharagpur.
Mathematical modeling and computer simulation have proved tremendously successful in engineering in recent years. A computational Science has enabled technological developments in virtually every area of our lives. The basic aim of this course is to provide state-of-the-art computational methodologies pertaining to industrial and real life problems. The course is designed so as to introduce the advanced topics starting from the basics. The inherent nonlinearity of the system of differential equations and singularity demands special attention in modeling the problems applicable to industry.
Special emphasis on nano-scale computation and application to bio-technology will be provided. Exposure to advanced programming, data base system and computer software will be introduced. Laboratory classes will be conducted to train participants in sophisticated computer algorithms.
This course will provide an exposure to modern computational techniques for modeling complex engineering problems, such as fluid flows, heat transfer, structural design, nano-fluids and biomedical technologies. It may serve an introductory course on current topics of research related to microfluidics,
heat transfer analysis and complex flow phenomena. The course will also benefit faculty who would like to enrich a variety of advance courses with new methods and applications. The training on computer coding techniques will also enable the participants to analyze the practical problems.
Topics to be covered
• Review of basic methods ( e.g., Finite Difference, Finite Volume and Finite Element Methods).
• Monotone iterative Methods, application to solve Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations ( ODE & PDE).
• Advanced Methodologies for System of ODE/ PDE.
• Discrete Vortex Method and application to vortical flows.
• Volume of Fluid Method, application to multiphase dynamics.
• Singular Boundary Value Problems applicable to biomedical sciences.
• Nano-scale Computations: Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Lattice Boltzmann Method.
• Modeling and computation of Microfluidics/ Nanofuidics.
• Advanced Programming Techniques: Object Oriented Programming, JAVA, DBMS.
• Modeling and simulation of Industrial and Natural Problems such as, Fluid flow problems, drug delivery, biomedical sciences, Multiphase Flows, Nano-Technology.
• Hands on experience to execute algorithms on High-end servers will be provided.
• 40 participants from faculty members of AICTE approved engineering colleges/ university/ institutes having specialization in Mathematics/ Mechanical/Civil/Aerospace/ Chemical Engineering.
• Few sponsored participants from Industry/ Research Organizations will be considered
• The course is free for participants of AICTE while sponsored participants have to pay for boarding/ lodging fees at IIT rates plus a course fee of Rs.4,500/-.
Course Coordinators
Prof. S. Bhattacharyya & Prof. R. K. Pandey
Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Kharagpur 721302
Phone: ( 03222) 283640; 283688
Organized by
Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Kharagpur 721302, West Bengal
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