A Short Term QIP Sponsored Course On Advanced Computing in Engineering and Sciences (ACES) Oct. 0509, 2010
ACES course is designed to familiarize and provide handson
exposure to fundamental principles and applied aspects
of scientific computing in fluid mechanics, heat transfer,
acoustics etc. Course is designed with combination of
lectures from experts of HPCL, IIT Kanpur and numerical
experiments as expository means.
Aim and Scope
Practical exposure on fundamental principles of computing
related to DNS, LES, acoustics, flows with heat transfer.
1) Introduction to Advanced Computing.
2) Governing Equations of Fluid Mechanics, Acoustics with Heat Transfer.
3) Spacetime discretization of PDE. Waves and disturbances in fluid flow, Hyperbolic and dispersive waves.
4) SpaceTime Scales in Fluid Flow. Signal and error propagation; Various spatial and temporal spectra in fluid flows; pace and time averages of NS equation; Spectral analysis of numerical methods; Error analysis of discretized differential equations; Classification of errors.
5) Methods for solving elliptical PDEs. Pointand lineiterative methods; Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) and Multigrid methods; Newer methods of solving linear algebraic equations.
6) High accuracy computing methods. Explicit versus implicit spatial discretization; General Pade' or compact schemes; Evaluation and analysis of first and second derivatives by compact schemes; Error optimization and various compact
7) Temporal Discretization in computing. Differences between spatial and temporal discretization; Physical and spurious modes in computing; Dispersion relation preservation (DRP) property; Analysis and design of DRP methods; Error control and optimization of discretization schemes.
8) Error control: Towards DNS. Aliasing error and dealiasing; Dissipation discretization effectiveness and combined compact difference schemes; Filtering tool for instability control.
9) Numerical filters: In Large Eddy Simulations (LES) and Detached Eddy Simulations (DES).
10) Curvilinear coordinate systems and Chimera methods. Generalized coordinate transformation, Grid generation methods; TLNS and PNS equations; Chimera grid and role of interpolation error.
11) Finite volume method. Finite volume discretization; High resolution flux vector splitting, finite volume, upwind methods:
QUICK and MUSCL schemes and compact based methods.
12) Solutions of NavierStokes equation: Methods using primitive variables; Staggered formulation using compact schemes; High accuracy methods using streamfunctionvorticity formulation; Velocityvorticity formulation; Receptivity and instability for incompressible and compressible flows.
Application in the attached form should be sent to
the coordinator with a caution deposit of Rs. 200/
with a D.D. in favour of “Continuing Education
Programme, IIT Kanpur”. This will be refunded
for all participants. QIP participants will be paid
TA/DA for A/C three tier for attending the course.
DA will be paid as per rules, adjusted against
boarding and lodging at IIT Kanpur.
NonQIP participants can join by paying the
following fees by D.D. in favour of “Coordinator,
ACES” by 20th September, 2010. Accommodation
will be arranged in IIT Kanpur.
1) Industry and R&D Rs.20,000/organizations
2) Academic Institutes (NonQIP candidates) Rs. 10,000/
Acceptance to the course will be decided by the
coordinator upon viewing the application form.
Please send your email / mobile no. for
Organized by:
High Performance Computing Lab,
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
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