
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Two Day National Workshop On BIOMEDICAL SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING 23-24, September 2010

Two Day National Workshop On BIOMEDICAL SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING 23-24, September 2010


Last date for registration: 15.09.2010
Notification of Acceptance: 18.09.2010


The College of Engineering, Guindy, a pioneer in technical education in India and in Asia, was established in the year 1794. More than 200 years have gone by and today, this college has evolved into Asia's largest technological University.
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, is one of the leaders in India in this field of technology. The department, headed by eminent faculty, aims at educating and training students with sound knowledge and
awareness in the latest trends in electronics, communication and information technology. The state-of-the-art laboratories complement the high standards set by the competitive syllabus and nurture the inclination of the students towards research and development. The department provides them the necessary and sufficient backing of practical knowledge that they need through meaningful industry-integrated collaborations.


The workshop aims to provide researchers and practitioners from academia and industry with a forum on the latest developments in biomedical signal and image processing. The workshop will explore a range of computational algorithms and techniques, such as neural networks, fuzzy sets, and evolutionary optimization. The workshop will provide hands on training on real time acquisition of biomedical signals such as ECG, EEG and EMG and its analysis. Hands on training will also be provided on segmentation, feature extraction and pattern recognition techniques in biomedical images. The workshop will give the audience an excellent opportunity to know the latest trends in the industry, recent academic research and clinician’s perspective on current problems in healthcare.


Biomedical signal processing constitutes measurement and analysis of signals in clinical medicine and the biological sciences. Engineers, scientists and clinicians play an important role in this interdisciplinary field to solve the growing
clinical problems that may improve the efficiency of diagnosis, treatment and therapy. The development of new algorithms and mathematical tools has enabled to extract important diagnostic information from biomedical data.


1. Signal Pattern Classification
2. Computer Aided Detection and Diagnosis
3. Sleep and EEG Analysis
4. Brain Computer Interface
5. Applications of Wavelets in Signal and Image Processing
6. MRI Image Analysis
7. Computational and Statistical Image Processing and Analysis
8. Visualization
9. Image Guided Procedures
10. Modeling and Multimodal Imaging

The invited talks will be delivered by eminent researchers and scientists from academic, research institutes and industries.

Workshop Venue

Maxwell Auditorium
Department of Electronics & Communication
College of Engineering
Anna University
Chennai-6000 025


1. Faculty from Engineering colleges
2. Practicing Engineers from Industries

Participants are required to register in advance on or before 15th September 2010 using the enclosed format along with registration fees.


Faculty from Engineering Colleges : Rs.750/-
Industry Participants : Rs.1000/-
Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of “HOD,
Dept. of ECE, Anna University, Chennai”,
payable at Chennai.


A limited number of On-Campus accommodations are available in the University Guest House. Additional accommodation in near by Hostels may also be arranged on requests received from the participants well in advance of the event.
The participants will have to pay for their accommodation charges.


Dr.N.Kumaravel, Dr.M.Sasikala
Department of Electronics and Communication
College of Engineering, Guindy Campus,
Anna University
Chennai-600 025,Tamilnadu

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