2011 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), National Science Seminar Complex,Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, Karnataka, India
The IEEE – EDS – Vacuum Electronics Committee, IEEE Bangalore Section, IEEE ED/SSC Joint Chapter, Bangalore and Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications Society (VEDAS), Bangalore, are pleased to announce the XII International Vacuum Electronics Conference - IVEC 2011 to be held in Bangalore, India during February 21 - 24, 2011. IEEE – IVEC is held annually, alternately in US and Europe/ Asia. IVEC-2010 was held in Monterey, California, USA during May 18 - 20, 2010. The earlier Asia-Pacific editions of IVEC were held in South Korea (2003) and in Japan (2007).
The conference will commence with a Plenary Session including talks by eminent experts to focus onto the scientific and technological strides that are driving the current and future directions in vacuum electronics research. Subsequently, a number of oral and poster sessions will present current interests in theory and computational tool development, active and passive components, systems, and supporting technologies focusing the topical spectrum of scientific and commercial applications spanning the range from UHF to THz frequencies. System developers also will find a unique snapshot into the state-of-the-art in vacuum electronic devices for electronic systems encompassing radar, electronic warfare, digital broadcasting, high data-rate communications, medical applications, and RF accelerator technology for high energy physics.
We invite you to submit papers to IVEC 2011 to report on your original work and experiences in vacuum electronics. The meeting will be configured to maximally disseminate useful information to device users, manufacturers, academics, and students. We encourage submission of papers from all groups.
A special IVEC 2011 Award for Excellence in Vacuum Electronics and a Student Paper Award will be awarded during the conference. The meeting and social events will provide a unique opportunity to renew or establish new friendships with colleagues, interact with customers and end-users, and meet students and academic researchers.
A pre-conference tutorial and an exhibition of products (organized by VEDAS) will also be part of IVEC 2011.
We hope to see you all at IVEC 2011.
IVEC 2011 Organizing Committee
Technical Subject Categories:
Vacuum Electron Devices
Traveling-wave tubes Pulse compression devices
Crossed-field devices (oscillators and amplifiers) Plasma filled amplifiers and oscillators
Klystrons and multiple-beam devices High power microwave devices
Inductive output tubes RF directed energy
Fast-wave devices (gyrotrons, gyro-amplifiers) Triodes, tetrodes, pentodes, picture tubes, X-ray tubes
Free electron lasers and masers Power switches and vacuum interrupters
Microwave and millimeter-wave power modules Novel materials (dielectrics, coatings, magnetic materials)
Electronic power conditioners Linearity, intermodulation and noise
Modulators Miniaturization, micro fabrication techniques
Linearizers RF breakdown
Systems and Subsystems
Analysis and computer modeling Microwave transmitters
Thermal power management and control Device and system integration
Novel measurement techniques Amplifier/ antenna coupling
Cathodes and other electron emitters Reliability and quality management
Component parts (guns, circuits, windows, collectors)
and packaging
Application of Vacuum Electron Devices
Defence and Space Process, test and measurement equipments
Radar and Telecommunications Materials processing
Medicine Microwave power beaming
EMI / EMC test sources Novel applications of microwave and RF
Particle accelerators
High energy physics
Vacuum Microelectronics / Nanoelectronics
Microwave, millimeter-wave & THz amplifiers and oscillators
Field emitter arrays
Flat panel displays
Sensors and detectors
Conference Schedule:
21 Feb. 2011 Tutorials on
i) microwave tubes and
ii) high power microwaves
22-24 Feb. 2011 Conference including plenary, oral and poster sessions
22-24 Feb. 2011 Exhibition of vacuum and microwave products, measurement equipments,
and materials (organized by VEDAS)
IEEE– EDS– Vacuum Electronics Committee
IEEE Bangalore Section
IEEE ED/SSC Joint Chapter , Bangalore
Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications Society, Bangalore
Contact Us:
Vacuum Electron Devices Applications Society
Microwave Tube Research and Development Centre
BE Complex,
Bangalore—560 013
Phone: +91-80-28381831
Fax: +91-80-28381750
E-mail chairmanivec2011@gmail.com
for more info visit.
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