International Conference on Digital Libraries and Knowledge Organization At Management Development Institute Harjan Basti, Sector 17, Gurgaon, Haryana
Libraries and information centres have long been involved in systematically organizing knowledge using techniques such as indexing and classification. These traditional knowledge organization tools lay the foundation for modern knowledge organization languages in the digital era. Knowledge organization systems can improve the organization of digital libraries and facilitate better access to their content. In a technology driven world, libraries play a crucial role in the fostering of knowledge for development.
The advancement of Digital Library technologies provide an effective medium for Library & Information professionals to reach out to the users as never before. Same time, the rapid proliferation of the digital resources poses an unprecedented challenge to information professionals in generating efficient information services.
The goal of the conference is to bring together librarians, information engineers, educators as well as experts and professionals in other related fields, from both India and aboard, to exchange ideas and share research findings about digital libraries and knowledge organization. The conference will generate valuable ideas for advancing services for knowledge creation through research.
The conference will focus on the theoretical and methodological issues involved in the qualitative, longitudinal study of the developers, users, policy makers, etc., involved in the development of digital libraries. It will provide a forum where these theoretical and methodological interests and insights may be advanced, exchanged, and debated, and where experiences with differing technologies, contexts, and methodologies may be compared and contrasted.
The specific objectives of the conference are:
* To provide a forum for scholars from different fields and backgrounds to share their views and perspectives on how to advance research in the area of digital libraries and knowledge organization tools and techniques.
* Identifying best practices in all the spheres of digital library development and knowledge organization.
* To provide strategic directions for the development of digital libraries
* To prepare a sustainable knowledge organization framework for digital library development
About the Organizers:
Management Development Institute
Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon is a premier management school in India. Established in 1973 as an autonomous body by Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) with initial grants from KFW, West Germany, MDI has completed 37 years of academic excellence as an institute of practicing managers. It has consistently being ranked among the top five business schools in the country, and is the first b-school in the country to get the ABMA accreditation. At MDI, a unique trilogy of students, faculty and learning resources produces some of the best minds in the country. In line with its vision of being a truly global school, MDI is making a conscious attempt to foster linkages with leading business schools around the world. These international linkages involve a student, executive and faculty exchange programme with around 50 business schools across the world. The Institute is strongly committed to creating both at individual and organizational levels, cutting edge management capability through value based education, action centric research, best global practices and value-added consulting.
MDI has its own campus spread over 37 acres in Gurgaon. Located strategically, the campus is about 10 Kms. from Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi and 30 Kms. from downtown Connaught Place, New Delhi. The campus is well laid out with an extensive six hole golf green, trees, lawns and aesthetically planned landscapes. Set amidst lush green grass fields in sylvan surroundings, the Institute provides a highly conducive environment for academic endeavours.
Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC)
Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC) was established in September 1955 as a non-profit making national, professional body to:
* promote the quality of Library and Information Services
* coordinate the activities
* foster mutual cooperation and assistance among the special libraries, scientific, technological and research institutions, learned societies, commercial organizations, industrial research establishments as well as centres of studies in social sciences and humanities
* improve the technical efficiency of the professionals
* act as a centre of research and studies in special librarianship and documentation techniques
* act as a centre of information in scientific, technical and other related fields of LIS in pursuance of the aforesaid objects
IASLIC is composed of two kinds of members, namely individual and institutional. IASLIC has in its fold most of the important libraries spread all over India as institutional members, while a sizable number of people in the profession are either life or ordinary members.
Who Should Participate:
* Library and Information Science Professionals
* Information Technology Professionals
* Content and Knowledge Managers
* Educational Policy Makers
* Information / Content Providers and Vendors
* Archivists and Museologists
* E-learning Communities
* Electronic, Print and Publishing Community
* IT Service Providers
The conference aims to explore the topics in themes and sub themes through tutorials, workshops, demonstrations, invited talks and presentations. Eminent researchers, academicians and practitioners will be invited to deliver theme papers on selected papers.
Call for Papers:
Original papers in English are invited on a theme related to those mentioned below. An international review panel will review the papers based on originality of the work, quality and relevance to the main theme of the conference. Peer reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. The papers should strictly follow the submission guidelines.
Themes (but not limited to)
* Digital Libraries Development
* Tools and Techniques for Managing Digital Repositories
* Digital Resource Management Strategies
* Evaluation of Digital Libraries
* Content Development: Tools and Techniques
* Digital Consortia
* Cultural Issues of Online Services
* Technology Issues in Online Services
* Standards and Specifications for Digital Objects
* Metadata Standards, Interoperability and Crosswalks
* Case Studies of Digital Libraries and Institutional Repositories
* Multilingual Digital Libraries
* Digital Preservation Strategies
* Web Retrieval Tools and Strategies
* Information Retrieval in Indian Languages
* User Interface and Patron Interactions Tools
* E-learning
* Open Source Software Tools for Digital Library Development
* Open Access Initiatives, Open Access Repositories
* Open Access for Scholarly Contents
* Information Management Using Web 2.0/3.0 Technologies
* Social Networking Tools for Information Services
* Knowledge Organization Techniques
* Knowledge Representation Models
* Knowledge Management
* Emergent Techniques for Search Algorithms and Context Sensitive Indexing
* Semantic Web Technologies for Knowledge Representation and Management
* Ontologies and Approaches to Building Ontologies
For submission guidelines, please click here
Paper Submission:
Please upload your manuscripts at the following URL:
You may want to upload your title/abstract in advance of the deadline. You will need to obtain an account on EasyChair, if you are a new user.
(In case you require any assistance, please write to the Conference Convener at
Paper Submission Guidelines:
Guidelines for Camera-Ready Papers
* Paper must not be longer than 10-12 pages (within 3000 words)
* Author name should contain affiliation, and email address
* The paper in MS-Word format should be identical to the template given below
Template for ICDK papers click here
Page Setup:
* Paper size: A4, Portrait
* Margins: 2.05 inches (top & bottom); 1.73 inches (left & right)
* Header: 0.5 "
* Footer: 0.5"
* Font face: Times New Roman
Abstract Format: Abstract length should be between 70 to 150 words. The font size should be 10-point with single-line spacing within inset 1.0 cm right & left margin.
Heading & Subheading Format:
Heading level Example Font size and style
Title (centered) An Overview on … 14 point, bold
1st-level heading 1 Introduction 12 point, bold
2nd-level heading 1.1 Printing Area 12 point, bold
3rd-level heading 1.1.1 Headings. 12 point, bold, italics
Text Text goes here … 12 point, justified, single
line spacing
Footnotes: The superscript numeral used to refer to a footnote appears in the text. Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the normal text area, with a line of about 5cm set immediately above them
Tables and Figures: The tables and figures should be numbered and must carry a caption. The figure and table number should be given in the corresponding text. Source should be explicitly mentioned for adapted or reproduced tables or figures.
Citations: APA Citation style must be followed for the references. For example:
* Journal articles
Baldonado, M., Chang, C.-C.K., Gravano, L. & Paepcke, A.(1997). The Stanford Digital Library Metadata Architecture. International Journal of Digital Library, 1, 108-121.
(In text)
(Baldonado, Chang, Gravano & Paepcke, 1997)
* Book
Davis, John, Studer, Rudi & Warren, Paul (2006). Semantic Web technologies: trends and research in ontology-based systems. West Sussex: Wiley Publishing.
(In text)
(Davis, Studer & Warren, 2006)
* Book Chapter
Daconta, Michael C., Obrst, Leo J. , Smith, Kevin T. (2003). Understanding XML and its impact on the enterprise. In The Semantic Web: a guide to the future of XML, web services, and knowledge management (pp 27-55). Indiana: Wiley Publishing.
(In Text)
(Daconta, Obrst, & Smith, 2003)
Please refer to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th ed. (Washington D.C. American Psychological Association, 2001) for more details. (Excerpts from the APA manual can be found at link1, link2)
Please upload your manuscripts at the following URL:
You may want to upload your title/abstract in advance of the deadline. You will need to obtain an account on EasyChair, if you are a new user.
(In case you require any assistance, please write to the Conference Convener at
The registration fee covers conference kit, conference proceedings, tea, lunches, and dinner (whenever scheduled). Boarding and lodging charges will be extra. Limited accommodation can be arranged at Management Development Institute (MDI) campus at Gurgaon on additional payment basis on a first-come-first-serve basis. Interested persons should contact the Conference Convener in advance for accommodation at MDI.
To download the registration form, please click here
Registration done on or before January 1, 2011
Delegates Conference Tutorials Conference and Tutorials
Indian & SAARC country delegates Rs. 3,000/- Rs. 1,000/- Rs. 4,000/-
Other foreign country delegates US $ 150 US$ 50 US$ 200
IASLIC members, Research scholars Rs. 2,500/- Rs. 1,000/- Rs. 3,500/-
Registration after January 1, 2011
Delegates Conference Tutorials Conference and Tutorials
Indian & SAARC country delegates Rs. 4,000/- Rs. 1,000/- Rs. 5,000/-
Other foreign country delegates US$ 200 US$ 50 US$ 250
IASLIC members, Research scholars Rs. 3,000/- Rs. 1,000/- Rs. 4,000/-
Please Note:
1. Fee does not include accommodation charges
2. Registration fee is non-refundable. Substitutes are permitted.
Payment Options:
1. By Local cheque / bank draft
The local cheque / bank draft should be drawn in favour of “Management Development Institute” and payable at Gurgaon/Delhi. In case of outstation or international cheques, please include appropriate bank transaction charges along with the registration fee.
Please send the payment along with the filled-up registration form to the Conference Convener.
2. Bank Transfer
Please remit the money to:
Within India From outside India
Bank: Corporation Bank Bank: Corporation Bank
Sector-14, Gurgaon (Haryana), India Sector-14, Gurgaon (Haryana), India
Account No: CLSB01005275 Account No: CA/01/005275
Swift Code: CORPINBB449 Swift Code: CORPINBB449
Account Name: Management Development Account Name: Management Development Institute
Submission of full paper: September 30, 2010
Notification of acceptance with reviewers’ comments: October 30, 2010
Submission of the final paper: November 30, 2010
Contact and Enquiries:
Dr. Antony Jose
Convener - ICDK 2011
Management Development Institute
Mehrauli Road, Sukhrali
Gurgaon - 122 007, INDIA
Phone: +91-124-4560324
Mobile: +91-9968263589
Conference URL:
for more info visit.
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