
Monday, September 27, 2010

Remote cntrol of Electronic Equipment

Remote cntrol of Electronic Equipment


In this paper we present a vehicle for a complete engineering and scientists practical formation. It is made possible by the use of virtual instrumentation, not in the sense of a simulation tool, but as the remote access to facilities located in related research laboratories. Internet World Wide Web provides a best way to materialize this remote access, reducing the requirements in the educational laboratory to workstations (WS) or personal computers (PC) with the habitual Internet access.


In the academic formation of engineers and science bachelors in areas like electronics, microelectronics or communications, it is desirable an adequate practical component permitting the students a real approximation to instrumentation systems and equipments which they will employ in their future works. It requires an elevate investment of founds in equipment in the academic laboratories. This is due not only to the high cost of the different measurement systems required in each technological area, but to the continuous equipment actualization required to avoid the obsolescence of those characterization and analysis systems.
The project we present in this paper is an alternative to traditional academic laboratories, based on the use of the resources present in the research and development laboratories. These resources are usually used in those centers with a frequency that permits their use with academic purposes during reasonable time intervals. It is possible by using the Internet World Wide Web (WWW) as the remote access way of users from the academic laboratories to the centers in which the measurement system are physically located, as well as the circuits or devices to be characterized.

The development of this idea is being done in the RemoTe Worldwide

Instrument Network (RETWINE) project [1], founded by the Socrates program of the European Union. The project objective is to offer the students of European Universities a set of measurement facilities located at the Microelectronics Laboratories of the ordeaux, Münster and Autonoma of Madrid Universities. Concretely, our laboratory is incorporating to this net a semiconductor parameter analyzer HP 9145B.

for more info visit.

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