
Tuesday, October 19, 2010




The words cryogenics is delivered from two Greek words cryo or kryo, which means cold & genics or genes, which from the Greek mean the study of science..The present status of cryogenics is only possible because of the following:-
1. Joule –Thomson effect.
2. Use of expansion engines by Claude.
3. Adiabatic Demagnetization of paramagnetic salts.
Cryogenic Engineering involves design and development of system and components, which produce, maintain and utilize low temperatures.
The various mechanical properties like ultimate and yield strength, fatigue strength, impact strength, hardness and ductility are increased at cryogenic temperatures. It is also observed that in presence of magnetic field at cryogenic temperatures properties like specific heat, thermal conductivity, thermoelectric effect decreases.
Cryogenic engineering utilizes properties of gases like nitrogen, oxygen, argon, neon, fluorine, methane, and helium .In various applications like subzero treatments of steels ,cryotreatment of automobile parts to improve there life and efficiency, deep cryogenic tempering of metals and alloys, cryo treatments of gun barrel, for cutting tools, domestic food processing tools, for sporting tools, copper conductors, aerospace comp ,landing gears, supports, medical/dental applications ,surgical tools equipments, musical instruments, cryo treated materials like steels, titanium ,plastics, copper, nylon, aluminum brass ,glass.
In this paper we have discussed all the above properties in brief with applications of cryogenics and following case studies are discussed :
1. Cryogenic gases- The changing scenario.
2. Cryogenic blast cleaning with C02 pellets.

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