
Tuesday, November 2, 2010



Political Behaviour in Organizations

June 22-25, 2011


It is important to be politically astute in order to succeed in organizational life. The objective of the course is to provide understanding of the strategies and tactics of handling positive organizational politics and the vital topics of negative tactics, blunders and overcoming dysfunctional conflicts. It will help in building the political skills of the participants.

Course Contents:

* The nature and causes of Organizational Politics
* Organizational context and ethics of political behavior
* Major initiatives for acquiring power
* Upward relations
* Lateral relations
* Downward relations
* Influence tactics
* Social network within organizations
* Negative tactics, blunders
* Control of dysfunctional conflicts

Target Audience:

Executives at any level

Mode of Delivery:

Lectures through audio-visual presentation, Structured exercises, Group discussion and Case studies.

Dates: June 22-25, 2011

Location & Venue: VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur

Programme Fee: 25,000.00 (Residential)

Course Coordinator: Susmita Mukhopadhyay.


Services Marketing

June 15-19, 2011


The objective of the course is to provide understanding of concepts of services marketing.

Course Contents :

Part A: Understanding customer requirements

Customers expectations and perceptions of service, customer research, customer defined service standards

Part B: Quality management

Service quality, technical and functional quality, determinants of service quality, gap model, Kano’s model

Part C: Service design and development

Challenges to services design, new service development, developing the service blueprint, quality function deployment, service innovations

Part D: Service delivery: Employee roles

Employee roles in service delivery, matching customer expectations, matching demand with capacity

Part E: Service delivery: Customer roles

Customer co-production, customer roles, service failure and recovery, customer satisfaction and delight

Target Participants:

Managers at all levels

Dates: June 15-19, 2011

Location & Venue: VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur

Programme Fee: 30,000.00 (Residential)

Course Coordinator: Biplab Datta


Financial Modeling Using Spreadsheets

June 4-6, 2011


Spreadsheets are increasingly getting used to model many financial decisions. Going beyond just creating tables and charts and summarizing data on spreadsheets, advanced modeling can be done for financial decision making.

Course Contents:

Basic Financial Calculation, Present Value ( PV), Net Present Value( NPV), IRR and Loan Tables., Annuities and debt repayment schedules and amortization calculation, Futures values and applications like sinking fund provisions. Cost of Capital Valuation , Calculate the cost of capital and determine WACC, Debenture Pricing and cost of debt, Beta Calculation and Cost of Equity , Weighted average cost of capital, Marginal cost of Capital, Financial Statement modeling using FCF, FCF and value of a company and value of equity, Capital Budgeting, NPV, IRR, MIRR, Sensitivity Analysis, Scenario Analysis. Modeling futures and options, Binomial and Black Scholes Options, Capital Budgeting and Real option analysis, Warrants and ESOP valuation.


Hand on exercises and case studies and mini cases will be used to model financial decision making.

Who can attend?

Business managers, Financial managers, Investors, Corporate finance Analysts

Dates: June 4-6, 2011

Location & Venue: VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur

Programme Fee: 18,000.00 (Residential)

Course Coordinator: Prabina Rajib


Service Operations Management

April 28-30, 2011


This programme would endeavour to meet the needs of the rapidly growing and evolving service sector of our national economy by clarifying the fundamentals of service operations.

We offer a conceptual framework that paints a broad-based picture of key architectural elements in the services operations management.

Course Contents:

* Service – definition and dimensions
* Service Strategy
* Framework for service delivery
* Service quality
* Capacity management
* Service encounter
* Service failure & recovery
* New service development
* Role of technology
* People issues in services

Target Participants:

Mid to senior level managers in the service industry especially in operations

Dates: April 28-30, 2011

Location & Venue: IIT Kharagpur Kolkata Campus

HC-Block III, Vidhan Nagar (Salt Lake), Kolkata 700106

Programme Fee: 18,000.00 (Non-residential)

Course Coordinator: Gautam Sinha


Risk Hedging Through Commodity Derivatives

April 25-28, 2011


Commodity derivatives trading is poised to surpass equity trading in India. With the introduction of national multi commodity exchanges, Indian commodity market is growing leaps and bounds. A wide variety of commodities ranging from agricultural commodities to carbon, electricity and weather contracts are traded. Corporate are using these commodity contracts to mitigating price risk. Also commodity derivatives have emerged as new asset class for investors intending diversify their portfolio.

Course Contents:

Understanding commodity contracts and contracts specifications at MCX, , NCDEX and other national and regional commodity exchanges of India, with special focus on understanding electricity, carbon and weather contracts, margining requirements, commodity indices, commodity futures and price risk mitigation, Contango, backwardation, basis risk, commodity contracts at LME, TOCOMO and CME, innovations in commodity contracts, commodity derivatives price modeling including seasonality and cyclicality in commodity price series, commodity as a new asset class.


Lecture, Hand on exercises and case studies will be used to understand the commodity market dynamics and risk mitigation opportunity available to corporate.

Who can attend?

Financial managers, Purchase and Procurement officers, Fund Managers.

Dates: April 25-28, 2011

Location & Venue: VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur

Programme Fee: 25,000.00 (Residential)

Course Coordinator: Prabina Rajib


Organizing Workplace Relationships

April 20-22, 2011


All organizational activities occur in the context of interpersonal relationships. It is through relationships that systems maintain balance, chaos becomes order and fragmentation is made whole. The way in which an organization manages its workplace relationships determines its success. The objective of the course is to provide understanding of traditional and emerging perspectives of workplace relationships. It explores both positive and negative workplace relationships, including those between supervisors and subordinates, customers and clients, peers, friends and romantic partners. It will help in understanding the unique influence of the workplace on relationship processes and dynamics and the important role of workplace relationships in enhancing organizational and individual wellbeing.

Course Contents

* Organizing workplace relationships
* Supervisor-subordinate relationships
* Peer-coworker relationships
* Workplace friendship
* Romantic workplace relationships
* Customer and client relationships
* Workplace relationships and society.

Target Audience:

Executives at any level

Mode of Delivery

Lectures through audio-visual presentation, Structured exercises, Group discussion and Case studies.

Dates: April 20-22, 2011

Location & Venue: VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur

Programme Fee: 18,000.00 (Residential)

Course Coordinator: Susmita Mukhopadhyay.


Project Management

January 26-29, 2011


The performance of projects needs to be improved substantially. Published data on major projects indicate substantial Cost and Time overruns. Limited analysis of private sector projects also points towards dismal performance, barring some bright spots. In recent times, another class of projects has occupied a prominent position. These could be classified as SOFT PROJECTS. These projects do not deal with any physical facilities but include restructuring projects, systems improvement projects, re-engineering projects, IT Projects (like ERP), etc. The performance of these soft projects is much below expectations in many areas. Though it is recognised that environmental factors affect the project, it is well established that internal capability building in Project Management can substantially improve the project performance. This programme is designed to address the issues of capability building in project management.

Course Contents

* Special characteristics of projects Work breakdown structure
* Network Techniques and related topics
* Project cost-time tradeoff
* Project budgeting
* Management of project resources Project uncertainty
* Procurement of capital items Project monitoring etc


The programme consists of classroom discussions, individual and group exercises, and case studies. Substantial emphasis will be placed on adopting various approaches in real life projects.

Participant Background

For persons engaged in one or more areas of Management of Projects in Infrastructure, Construction, Greenfield sites, Industrial Projects, Replacement and Reconditioning, Maintenance Projects etc. The programme will also be useful to those involved in soft projects like; organisational re-structuring, implementation of IT systems (ERP etc.), societal and community projects in health, education, social development etc. Persons likely to be associated with similar projects in future will also find the programme useful. The programme will be beneficial to those working in financial institutions and involved in project financing and monitoring.

Dates: January 26-29, 2011

Location & Venue: IIT Kharagpur Kolkata Campus

HC-Block III, Vidhan Nagar (Salt Lake), Kolkata 700106

Programme Fee: 25,000.00 (Non-residential)

Course Coordinator: Arabinda Tripathy, Gautam Sinha

for more info visit.

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