
Saturday, June 1, 2013

“Robotics and Aerospace Automation”


                        In the field of Technology, every day a new technique is ruled. It has some pros and cons. It has his own characteristic due to which we have to adopt it. Today is the World of “new Technology” which we have to take in practice. Robotics is one of the area in the development. Robots are widely used in the Mechanical field. In the Aerospace Industries Robots are widely used for the art of wing assembly, Coating facility, manufacturing processes (cutting, drilling, weilding).There is also Shape changing robots used in the space station. At NASA, Spirit and recently Opportunity Mars Pathfinder mission used a robot explorer, which analyzed Martian rock and soil.

                        A robot is defined as an intelligent mechanical device that is capable of performing tasks originally done by humans. In recent years technology has made rapid improvements in single-chip microcomputers. The drastic reduction in both the price and size of microcomputers has provided an opportunity for building new and improved robots. The aim of this was to design and develop a self-contained autonomous mobile robot.It includes a flexible picking up/disposal mechanism and the ability to identify trash-bins and the dumping grounds using infrared sensors. (1)
                        The term robot means robota which is from a C-Zech word meaning hard labour. Robots are useful things because they can make life much easier by doing our work for us. There are so many automatic machines around Industrial robots are often mechanical arms. (2)
                        Since Robby the Robot first appeared on screen in 1956’s Forbidden Planet, science fiction in print, film and on television has pushed the limits of our imagination regarding machines of the future and their abilities to perform human tasks.(3)
                        Thus the Robots are used in production processes called Automation Technology, i.e.SCARA (Self -Compliance Assembly Robot Arm), in hazardous enviournments, in the rescue works to perform tedious, unpleasant and very dangerous jobs. (4)

Air-bus has a manufacturing schedule that projects production of more than 38 wing sets a month by 2005 at least 12 greater than it's current average. Therefore the company has unveiled details of the second phase of it's new automated wing box assembly (AWBA-2) research project, which if implemented, it says could greatly reduce costs an lead times of the wing assembly process. AWBA-2 project is just one example of leading age manufacturing technologies being examined by airbus to help meet delivery schedules as orders grow and also to facilitate manufacture of more sophisticated wing designs.
                        AWBA-2 integrates handling, positioning, measuring, drilling, wing skin panel wrapping and fastening technologies by robot in a single 8.5 m high demonstrator. Having proved the concept of wings skin panel wrapping, the demonstrator is also capable of handling and positioning of 6 m high wing rib "quickly and safely". Further operations in the awba-2 cell demonstrator will entail evaluations for cost, accuracy and repeatability compare to manual assembly methods plus scale up implications and any aerodynamic and system effects.AWBA-2 is a partnership of seven UK best companies each responsible for designing, manufacturing and evaluating different elements within the cell demonstrator. There are six phases to the production line.(5)

The expanded facility, which was designed, by Burns and MacDonnell, MO provides the final exterior finishes for the aircraft to large coating bays within the facility house a robotic system that applies the advanced coating to the aircraft. This is used for aircraft to avoid detection. To ensure through application the robotic system follows an embedded cable located in the coating bay floor which allows track guided robot to move around the perimeter of the aircraft and apply paint and coating. The robotic system offers several benefits over manual coating application including greater precision work continues on the facilities with installation and programming of the robots. (5)

                        Waterjet cutting is now a widely accepted part of manufacturing. ABBI-R has introduced a new waterjet cutting model ,the original IV, design for easier use and having what is claimed as "The smallest footprint on the market ." it could have a role in the aerospace industry ,believes the company. The robotic system forms the core of ABBI-R's 3-D pure waterjet cutting technology for trim application for flexible automation and high pressure water pumps from Ingersoll Rand. Waterjet allows the other cleaning methods, including the blasting and deburing. (6)
Orbital Welding:
Astro Arc Polysoude supplies Lockheed Martin with automated orbital welding equipment used for propulsion system tubing assembly in its spacecraft AT NASA. A typical system consists of more than 300 welds that require the high quality and good repeatability. Spacecraft and launch vehicles uses variety of tubing, mainly from stainless steel and titanium materials, with wall thickness varying from 0.0016 to 0.09 in and diameters ranging from 0.125-1.50 inch.” Some of the tubing work we work with is quite thin," said Mike Serafin, Welding Engineer at Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Denver, CO.(7)
According to Airbus UK, AWBA-2 demonstrator test work’s currently meeting all expectations." AEA focused on optimization of automatic drilling parameters to maximize hole quality and minimize burr size. The company’s goal was to optimize and [effect the efficiency and speed of the drilling cycle without sacrificing hole quality. AEA  carried  out  a  manufactured a fixed tested and the conducted extensive robot based drilling tests using a robot -mounted drilling end effector.Upon completion of this trials ,AEA also undertook modal analysis and vibration trials on the robot to see what effects if any these factors might have in hole quality and accuracy when automatically drilling. It is for the fastest drilling of the holes without sacrificing hole quality and burr size, spindle speed should be set between 4000 and 8000 rpm and feed speed should start at 5.5mm/s and reduced to 1.5mm/s just before breakthrough. For this, a conventional Kuku 350 Robot was adapted to make it suitable for drilling and fastening. (8)

Kuka-350 Robot                          Cutting Robot at ABBI’R                                       

Shape Changing Robot:
Shape changing robots are ideal for sending to moons and planets. When the Mars Lander touched down on Mars, it could easily have been rendered useless if it had landed on a boulder amongst the thousands of boulders on what looked like a flat featureless plane from a satellite photograph. Shape changing robots would have none of those difficulties. They would be able to crawl about and investigate their surroundings and report back much more than what could be reported back with conventional rovers. If the rovers were solar powered, then it could crawl about on Mars for several decades without failing because they are extremely energy efficient and can move one brick at a time if required unsupervised across most hard terrains. The giant bird configuration generates much more solar power, effects repairs to itself and can last much longer in space.(9)


Space Shuttle:

                        The orbital assembly of the International Space Station begins a new era of the hands on work in space, involving more spacewalks than ever before and a generation of the space robotics. Three assembly missions and two shuttle flights are launched by Robot yet. Soyuz Crew return Spacecraft will be launched. Canada is providing a 55-foot long robotic arm to be used for assembly and maintains tasks on the Space Station.NASA and ESA use them a lot to explore worlds humans can't visit. From deep down in the Earth's oceans to the freezing world of Mars, robot explorers go and find out more which scientists discover. Robots can go into potentially dangerous environments and safely explore around. The 1997 Mars Pathfinder mission used a robot explorer, which analyzed Martian rock and soil. Opportunity, which is scheduled to land on the opposite side Mars on 25 Jan 2004.(10)

                Spirit: Mars Pathfinder

Talon Robot:

The Talon robot has been used for several years by U.S. Army and Air-force Combat Engineers handling mines and clearing dangerous ammunition. But now the robot has been fitted with various weapons. In tests, the 85 pound robot has used for the M202 round rocket launcher and is being tested with a six round 40mm grenade launcher, .50 calibers, 7.62mm and 5.56mm machine-guns. The original Talon 1 weighed 85 pounds, was 34 inches long 22.5 inches wide and 11 inches high. It had a 63 inch long, jointed arm with a claw on the end. The Talon 1 could carry 200 pounds, usually additional sensors (including a sensor, as Talon can operate underwater). Talon can operate via an onboard GPS and software that provides some autonomous behavior. Its batteries allow it to operate for 1-4 hours (depending on workload.) The robot has four vidcams, including night vision, and a comm. link capable of two way operation. Max speed is about six feet a second (6.5 kilometers an hour, or a fast walk). The operator, using a CRT or VR (virtual reality) goggles, could be as far as 1800 meters from the robot. The wardroid version, or Talon 2, uses lighter lithium ion batteries and weights 76 pounds. Same dimensions, but the new batteries give the Talon 2 10-12 hours of operations.

 TRAP allows different weapons to be quickly mounted. TRAP allows the weapon to maintain its aim at a target even while Talon is moving. The same 33 pound (in a small suitcase) control system is used, in addition to a lighter wearable control unit. Talon 2 is not armored. The Talon 2 will also be tested carrying a Javelin anti-tank missile, a .50 caliber sniper rifle and various mine detectors and electronic devices. While Talon has proven very useful in dealing with EOD (unexploded ordnance disposal) work and mine clearing, on the battlefield, it could prove useful for standing guard in exposed and dangerous positions and generally filling in for jobs that are very high risk. The U.S. Air-force is in the progress of Talon Robot. The Talon 1 cost $30,000 each, and the Talon 2, without weapons, will probably go for a Eighteen Talon 1.This robot were used in Iraq.

                                                               TALON 1

                                                             TALON 2


More complex analysis reveals significant cost savings when automated technologies used for aircraft production. Military airframe producers have a disincentive to reduce cost. Military airframe producers assemble the aircraft .If the government let the military airframe assembly manufacture make as much profit as they can. The cost of the airframe would reduce competition would enter the market place in the form of additional competitors that would challenge the current limited number of firms and complete away cost until the most efficient method of manufacture is attained.(11)

                        As there are many other manufacturing technology to perform the processes but the role of automation in aerospace.As the new advanced manufacturing incoming days different robots may be investigated which have high speed ,accuracy, less complex construction. In the coming days there will be enormous development that every work will be done by robots.


1) Edward Bachelder and Nancy Leveson," Describing and Probing Complex           System Behaviour", 2001-01-2646
2) Christopher C. Funke,"Concurrent Engineering in Aircraft Industry and its   Relationship to the Development Process", 972245
3) Linda M.Orlady,"Automation Issues: Prospective from the Flight Deck ", 2001-01-5546.
    4) Horoshi China,"Numerical Stimulation of Road Vehicle Aerodynamics and Effects Aerodynamic Devices", 910597.
5) Aerospace Engg. Magazine Sept., Aug.2000
6) George"Nick"Bullen,"Determining the Economic Application Point for   Assembly Automation Technology", 2001-01-3029.
7) NASA Space Shuttles and Facilities: "Information Summaries" no: 5, 7, 12, and 20.
8) NASA Facts-IS-1999-06-ISS-022.
9) http/
10) http/
11) http/a: \NASA hooked on commercial shuttle robots - GCN February 9, 1998.htm

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