
Monday, November 9, 2009




Today innovations are evolving from combination of different technologies. Microelectronics mechanics, optics and software interact when technical systems of our times become reality. Mechatronics word originated in Japan, a senior engineer of a company, Yaskawa in 1969 coined it as, “ MECHATRONICS is the synergistic integration of mechanical engineering with electronics and intelligent computer control ion the design and manufacture of products and processes”. The advent of mechatronics, a synergistic blend of mechanics marks the dazzling technological advances in precision engineering, control systems, computers sensors actuators fields helping to design innovative products & processes.
 Mechatronics is an indisciplinary fusion used to produce & enhance products & systems, like computer disk drives, photo copier, fax machine, CNC machine, modern car HMD, cave & so on. Some features are quick response, precision & robustness as in C.D.  drive of Seagate technology. These concepts & devises used in robotics.
              The paper covers development of mechatronics, general structure & design of mechatronics systems, advance approaches, applications and advantages. It covers importance to needs and evaluation of  mechatronics has taken place from  the indesciplinary fields. It also covers a brief review of the application for which this field is completely devoted. A case study is reveled to understand the concepts of mechatronics by study of electronic control module (ECM) use in different injection system. The ECM can regarded as the brain which controls the injection system with the variable inputs given through sensors.

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