
Monday, November 9, 2009




        Biomedical instrumentation deals with the physiological as well as engineering principles underlying the working of a wide variety of medical instruments. During the last two decades there has been tremendous increase in the use of electronic equipments in the medical field for research and clinical purpose.

        Today the need of medical imaging techniques is increasing. Most of the surgeries done today are basically for correcting malfunctioning of organs that are detected by modern imaging machines. The method of imaging helps the doctor to get idea of patient’s problems without actually opening the body of the patient. Imaging techniques are also helpful for medical studies.

        Electro medical equipments based on imaging techniques is a fast growing field. Medical imaging techniques such as X-Ray, Computed Tomography (CT), Sonography, M.R.I (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), P.E.T (Positron Emissions tomography), e.t.c., are widely used by the doctors all over the world.

        Here my sincere efforts to throw light on basic principle, operational details of CT with simplified block diagram and different imaging scanning patterns of CT scan with their advantages.

        Biomedical instrumentation is all set to develop at a still faster rate. It serves mankind in huge way and provides new technologies for betterment of our health and life. In short, biomedical imaging techniques are joint venture between doctors and engineers.

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