
Monday, November 9, 2009

Minimally Invasive Surgical Technique

Minimally Invasive Surgical Technique


During the past few years much technologic advancement in surgeries has emerged. Less invasive approaches to cardiac operations have become viable.  The true revolutionary advance occurred with the development of computer assisted robotic surgical systems which combine three dimensional optics that immerse the surgeon in the operative field together with sleek, small-caliber, multi-jointed surgical instruments that precisely replicate the surgeon’s wrist and hand movements. Many robotic systems evolved in the field of surgery and they are
*    Products like Aesop, which is the surgical equipment, used to create a highly efficient   network.
*    Computer Motion's Zeus Robotic Surgical System.
*    Hermes, which is a platform-based network, which will not use hands like Zeus.
The above surgical systems are used for complex valvular reconstruction in the place of valvular replacement, operative treatment of cardiac rhythm disturbances, beating heart surgery, which avoids the adverse effects of the cardiopulmonary bypass equipment, novel artificial hearts, and an array of microscopic coupling devices, which eliminate the need to directly suture blood vessels and mitral valve surgery.

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