Government College of Technology, Coimbatore,
Tamil Nadu.
The goal of all occupational safety and health programs is to foster a safe work environment. As a secondary effect, it may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, suppliers, nearby communities, and other members of the public who are impacted by the workplace environment. Textile industries involve diverse operations including fiber synthesis, weaving, manufacturing, dyeing and finishing. The prime health and safety concern in the processing of textiles is the exposure to toxic chemicals and physical hazards, such as accidents with machinery. Not only can the exposure to toxic chemicals cause immediate and long term health and safety problems at the production site, negative publicity on health aspects or issues of labour conditions during production proved to have a high impact on sales. In the Foundry and Engineering industries, the accidents tended to be more severe when compared to other industries. There is also little reporting of occupational illnesses in smelters and foundries. The most common occupational illnesses were: acoustic trauma, industrial bronchitis, chemical and physical conjunctivitis and miscellaneous including poisonings. The National Seminar on “Occupational Safety & Health in Textiles, Foundry and Engineering Industries” is designed to cover the various aspects of occupational safety and health issues in the Textile, Foundry and Engineering Industries.
The following OSH aspects of Textiles, Foundries and Engineering Industries are covered in the National Seminar:
¨ Accidents, accidents prevention and Safety Promotion
¨ Legal Provisions for OSH
¨ Occupational Safety
¨ Occupational Health
¨ Safety Education and Training
¨ Emergency Planning
¨ Risk Management
¨ Disaster Management
¨ Case Studies
Resource People
Experts from International and National Agencies / Institutions / Apex Bodies specialized in the field of Occupational Safety and Health Participants
¨ Textile Industries
¨ Textile Processing Industries
¨ Garment Industries
¨ Foundries
¨ Engineering Industries
¨ Automobile Industries
¨ Major and Minor Ports
¨ Safety Professionals / Experts / Academicians / Research Scholars
10th (Thursday) and 11th (Friday) December, 2009.
Auditorium, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
Registration Fee
¨ Rs.3000/- per participant. The fee covers cost of the course materials, refreshments and lunch.
¨ Organizations registering two or more participants are entitled for 10% discount on registration fee.
¨ Faculty/Research Scholar/Student from Academic institutions will be given a special 30% discount in registration fee on production of necessary certificate from the institution.
¨ Registration fee may be made in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of ‘OSHTFE’ payable at ‘Coimbatore’.
¨ Enclosed form can be used for registration. Additional copies can be made if necessary.
Registration form along with the fee may kindly be sent to:
Dr. M. Arularasu
Professor & Head
Department of Production Engineering
Government College of Technology
Phone: +91 9791301489
Last Date for registration
30th November, 2009
Directorate General Factory Advice Service and Labor Institutes (DGFASLI), is a technical arm of the Government of India under Ministry of Labor and advices it on matters relating to safety, health and welfare of workers in factories and docks. The Directorate General carries out its functions through the Central Labor Institutes in Mumbai and the four Regional Labor Institutes located at Kanpur, Kolkata and Chennai and Inspectorate Dock Safety Offices at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Cochin, Faridabad, Visakhapatnam, Mormugao, Kandla, Paradip, New Mangalore and Tuticorin. Besides the activities described above, the DGFASLI also registers advice to the State Government on all technical matters relating to the construction, design and layout of factories including improvement of working conditions such as industrial safety, lighting, ventilation, prevention of health hazards etc. and conduct structured training programs on these projects on these aspects. The organization also operates National Safety Awards and Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar Schemes on behalf of the ministry. Website:
About Government College of Technology
Government College of Technology, Coimbatore formerly known as the Arthur Hope College of Technology, was started by Industrialist and Philanthropist of Coimbatore, the Late G.D.Naidu, enabled the college in July 1945.This is the leading Technical educational institution in Coimbatore since 1945. The main building of the college was formally opened by Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, the Vice President of India on 8th October 1959. From a humble beginning, the College has grown into a premier institution for Engineering education in this part of the Country. The Institution offering higher education in Engineering and Technology in various disciplines. The college offers the following NBA Accredidated courses leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering .Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical AND Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Industrial Biotechnology. The Department of Production Engineering offering Under Graduate
programs in Production Engineering. Website:
For further information please Contact
Dr. R.K. Elangovan
Director (Safety)
Central Labour Institute
Ministry of Labour & Employment
N.S. Mankikar Marg, Sion
Mumbai - 400022
Phone: +91 22 24023045, 09380663838
Mr. P. P. Janarthanam
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