
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ONE DAY WORKSHOP on ''Energy Audit and Management'' 25-09-2010

K.L.N.COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Pottapalayam - 630 611 (11 km from Madurai City) Sivagangai District, Tamil Nadu

ONE DAY WORKSHOP on ''Energy Audit and Management'' 25-09-2010

About the Workshop:

In a scenario where India tries to accelerate its development process and cope with increasing energy demands, conservation and energy efficiency measures are to play a central role in our energy policy. A national movement
for energy conservation can significantly reduce the need for fresh investment in energy supply systems in coming years. It is imperative that allout efforts are made to realize this potential.

Scope and Objectives:

This programme will focus on issues of energy efficiency improvement in organized sectors such as energy intensive industries and commercial sector through establishment of energy management system, implementation of energy audits, establishments of specific energy consumption norms.

Workshop For:

This Workshop is open to faculty, UG & PG Students, research scholars of all Engineering disciplines, Engineers from
Industries and other Organizations.

Registration Fee:

Industry / Faculty from Colleges : Rs. 350/-
Research Scholar / UG/ PG Students: Rs. 250/-

The registration fee includes the registration kit, course material, Snacks and Lunch.. The fees may be sent in the form of
Demand Draft drawn in favor of “The Principal, K.L.N.College of Engineering” payable at Madurai. Spot registration is also
permitted. Participants, who would like to commute daily from Madurai, can avail the bus transport of K.L.N.C.E. The fee does not cover accommodation and No TA/DA will be provided to the participants. However on request and depending on the availability, accommodation could be provided in the student hostel at moderate charges.

About the Resource persons:

Dr.V.Saravannan, Assistant Professor,
Thiagarajar College of Engineering.

Experts from Tamil Nadu Electricity Board.


P.Loganthurai, AP/EEE
A.Rathina Grace Monica, SL / EEE

Important Dates :

Last date for the receipt of : 15.09.2010

Intimation of Acceptance : 17.09.2010

Contact Details

The Co-Ordinator
Department of EEE
K.L.N College of Engineering,
Pottapalayam – 630 611.
Mobile : 09952112115/ 09789642704
Phone No. 0452- 2090971, 2090972

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