2011 IEEE Students' Technology Symposium (TechSym) At Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Kharagpur, India
About the Symposium:
2011 IEEE Students' Technology Symposium [IEEE TechSym 2011]
14 - 16 January 2011
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302 India
IEEE Students' Technology Symposium is an annual event organized by IEEE Student Branch at IIT Kharagpur and IEEE Kharagpur Section. The second version of the event will host oral and poster sessions showcasing original contributions from students and young professionals, with subsequent publications through IEEEXplore Digital Library. The bouquet also includes exciting opportunities from some of the technological giants. Be here as part of the symposium to know about your peers in technological advancement, and learn the trade from veterans.
Conference Secretariat
The Secretariat, IEEE TechSym 2011
IEEE Kharagpur Section
Campus of Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Kharagpur, WB 721 302, India
Phone: +91-3222-288034
Email: techsym@ieee.org
Web: http://techsym.in/
Organizing Chair
Hrushikesh Garud (garudht@gmail.com)
IEEE Conference Registration# 18009
Call for Papers:
The organizing committee of the IEEE Students' Technology Symposium 2011 invites scholastic contributions in the form of articles for oral/poster presentations. Submissions within scope of the symposium are invited as full papers for presentations at the following tracks:
• Communication Systems
1. Antennas for Broadband Communication Systems
2. Distributed Network Dynamics, self-organization and evolution
3. Effect of electromagnetic radiation on human body
4. Energy-efficient cellular network design
5. Future Internet design
6. Grid and cloud networks
7. Information Theory and coding
8. Multimedia protocols and networking
9. Network Applications and Services
10. Optical networks and communication
11. Satellite and Space Communications
12. Security, Trust and Privacy
13. Wi-MAX, Wi-Fi, UWB, MANET Cellular mobile, 3G, LTE system
14. Wireless Sensor Networks
• Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing
1. Acoustics and Speech Analytics
2. Biomedical and Biological Signal and Image Processing
3. Color and Multispectral Imaging
4. Computational Applications in Imaging
5. Fast Processing for Multidimensional data
6. Hardware and Software co-design for Signal Processing (Algorithms)
7. Interpolation, Super-resolution and Mosaicing
8. Linear and Nonlinear Filtering and Prediction techniques
9. Multidimensional Sampling
10. Multidimensional signal reconstruction from partial or incomplete observations and projections
11. Partial Differential Equation based Processing
12. Signal, Image and Video Sensing and Representation
13. Spectral analysis and Transform techniques
14. Speech Analysis
15. Speech Synthesis
16. Speech Verification
• Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems, Electron Devices and Sensors
1. Bio-MEMS and Bio-Sensors
2. Lightwave Technology
3. MEMS and NEMS
4. Nanoelectronics and Photonics
5. Semi-Conductor Devices and Circuits
6. Sensors and IC Packaging
7. Sensors and Systems
8. Thin and Thick Film sensors
• Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
1. Computer Vision and Image Understanding
2. Content Based Image Retrieval
3. Document and Handwriting Analysis
4. Evolutionary, Fuzzy, Genetic, Hybrid, Neural approaches for Pattern Analysis
5. Feature extraction, feature mapping and feature selection techniques
6. Heuristics and Model based systems
7. Machine Learning and Data Mining
8. Multidimensional Signal Analysis
9. Non-traditional search, optimization and classification systems
10. Search and Multi-objective Optimization techniques
11. Specialized Hardware and Software architectures for Pattern Analysis Systems
12. Syntactic, Structural and Statistical Pattern Recognition
13. Video, face, object, motion and gesture recognition
• Power and Control Systems
• VLSI Design and Automation
1. Architectural and High-Level Synthesis
2. Design Automation
3. Digital circuits for signal processing
4. Low Power Systems Design
5. System Architectures and Applications
• Web, Multimedia, Computers and Embedded Systems
1. Applications, Design Automation Algorithms and Synthesis Methods for System Level Design
2. Architectural, Micro-architectural and Concurrency issues in Embedded Systems: Customizable Processors, Multi-Processor SoC and NoC Architectures
3. Component Based System Design, Hardware-Software Co-Design, Design Space Exploration Tools
4. Intelligent Indexing and Retrieval of Multimedia Web Content
5. Mobile Based Web Applications
6. Mobile Multimedia Application
7. Multimedia Supported User Interfaces and Interaction Models
8. Profiling, Measurement and Analysis Techniques, Security Issues for Embedded Applications
9. Programming Languages and Software Engineering for Embedded and/or Real-Time
10. Semantics and Ontology
11. Testing, Validation and Verification of Embedded Systems
12. Web Based Architectures, Protocols, Services and Applications
13. Web Based User Interface Design (Affective, Adaptive, Assistive, Multi-Modal, Social Relevance)
14. Web Technology for Human Computer Interaction and Education
Manuscript preparation and submission
Manuscripts are to be prepared according to IEEE two-column conference format in letter-paper. All final manuscript should have a page length up to 6 pages including figures, tables and references. Submissions are handled electronically via the conference management portal.
Visit CMT for manuscript submission.
Editorial policy
Reviewing criteria for the symposium is double-blind. In submitting a manuscript to IEEE TechSym 2011, authors acknowledge that no paper substantially similar in content has been or will be submitted to another symposium, conference or workshop during the review period (14 September 2010 - 7 November 2010)
Read more about Editorial Pilicies.
Reviewers' Guidelines:
Invited to Review for IEEE TechSym 2011
If you have been invited to review for IEEE TechSym 2011, an account has been automatically generated for you using the contact email as your account name (regardless of whether you agreed to review or not). You need to only request for a new password via "Reset your password". You will receive the new password on your email. Please log in using the new password and remember to change it to your favorable one once logged in.
Please add "cmt@microsoft.com" to your list of safe senders to prevent important email announcements from being blocked by spam filters.
Conflict of interest domain
When you log in for the first time, you will be asked to enter your conflict domain information. You will not be able to review any paper without entering this information. This is necessary to ensure conflict free reviewing of all papers. Typically if your affiliate institution/organization provides official e-mail id as xyz@abc.com, your conflict domain is abc.com. Additionally if your institution uses multiple domain names (xyz@abc.com and xyz@abc.pqr.com) or you are associated with multiple institutions/organizations, please enter all such information. Please avoid entering commercial domain names (e.g., gmail.com, yahoo.com, live.com, ieee.org etc.) as your conflict domain since it would add to unnecessary complications during reviewer assignment.
Received notification about papers assigned for review
Once you've been notified that the papers have been assigned to you, please log in to the site. Click on "Paper Reviews and Discussions". In the "Paper Reviews and Discussions" page, click on "Download Assigned Papers". This allows you to download a zip file containing all the papers plus supplementary files (if available). If you observe any violations of Editorial Policies or Manuscript Preparation Guidelines, (e.g., manuscript is not blind-submission, authors have exceeded prescribed page limit of 6 pages, or authors have not followed an IEEE conference template for manuscript preparation) please inform the track chair.
Reviewing criteria and review submission
For a paper, under the review column, click "Add" (to the right of the "Review" line) to review. The reviewing pane has certain questions which are designed to help Technical Program Committee assess suitability of selecting a paper for submission at the symposium. Please substantiate your comment on originalty of work presented in the manuscript, and appropriately mention suspected sources of plagiarism as "Comments to Program Chair". Motivating and serious feedback on the work presented in the manuscript is highly encouraged and reviewers are suggested to fill in the "Comments to Authors" section.
Blind reviewing requirements
Blind reviewing is an essential part of IEEE TechSym 2011. Authors are asked to take reasonable efforts to hide their identities, including not listing their names or affiliations and omitting acknowledgments. This information will be included during camera ready submission. Reviewers are also requested to make all efforts to keep their identity invisible to the authors. Refrain from saying, "you should have cited my paper from 2006!"
Submit your reviews
If you save your review as a draft, it is visible only to you. You can access your draft review form by clicking on the same "Add" link. To make the review visible to the Technical Program Committee, click on the "Submit" button in the review form.
Ranking of Reviewed Submissions
Once you've reviewed the papers, you can rank them (the first being the best in your batch). In the "Paper Reviews and Discussions" page, click on "Edit Ranks" near the top of the page. In the "Edit Paper Ranks" page, click on the "Start Ranking" link for the papers. Use the "Move Up" and "Move Down" to adjust the ranks. Remember to click on the "Save Changes" button.
Proposal Submission for Tutorials and Workshops:
Scope of Tutorials and Workshops
Proposals for tutorials and workshops are invited on topics related to, but not limited to:
• Communication Systems,
• Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing,
• Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems,
• Electron Devices and Sensors,
• Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
• Power and Control Systems,
• VLSI Design and Automation,
• Web, Multimedia, Computers and Embedded Systems.
Format for Preparing Proposals
Please submit proposals in pdf format to comprehensively cover the following details:
• Title of the Tutorial/Workshop (max. 256 characters) and short summary (max. 200 words).
• Broad scope (eg. Communication Systems)
• Name, affiliation and contact (including email and phone) details of the co-ordinating presenter and all other co-presenters.
• The targeted audience and prerequisites (approx. 50 words).
• Tutorial/Workshop duration. Full day tutorials will be six hours and half day tutorials will be three hours.
• Detailed tutorial program, with a list of topics covered, a short description of each topic and the approximate time devoted to each topic (approx. 2000 words).
• Technical bibliography (with emphasis on the authors' works and other related works being covered).
• List of tutorial material to be provided to the attendees. Also indicate whether these are provided free of cost, or cost is to be bourne by the attendees.
• Short biographical sketch of each presenter indicating previous experience in delivering lectures and tutorials, and expertise on the tutorial topic. (approx. 200 words for each presenter).
Proposal Submission
Co-ordinating presenters are encouraged to submit full day tutorial proposals to Vijaya Sankara Rao P [Tutorials and Workshop Chair] (vijaysankar@ieee.org) by and before Midnight of 14 September 2010 in the format specified above. All tutorial proposals will undergo a peer review process.
Special Requirements
Presenters at the tutorials will be provided with Audio-Visual equipment including public addressing system, a LCD overhead projector, and a Windows PC preloaded with MSPowerPoint Player 2003 and Adobe PDF Reader. Any other resources to be arranged by the presenters' on consultation with the Tutorials and Workshop Chair.
• It is imperative that all presenters listed in the tutorial, workshop and demo proposal be available for presentation on the day of the tutorial (during 14-16 January 2011). Hence, it is important that consent be obtained from all the presenters and all organizational approvals obtained before making the tutorial proposal.
• All material from individual presenters must be collated and combined into a single tutorial presentation, as per the presentation guidelines (to be communicated at the time of acceptance).
IEEE Kharagpur Section
IEEE Student Branch at IIT Kharagpur
Important Dates:
Symposium: 14-16 Jan 2011
Workshop Proposal Submission: 14 Sept 2010
Workshop Notification: 30 Sept 2010
Regular Paper Submission: 14 Sept 2010
Acceptance Notification: 07 Nov 2010
Early Registration: 21 Nov 2010
Camera Ready Submission: 07 Dec 2010
Presentation Submission: 07 Dec 2010
Contact Us:
Symposium Secretariat: Contact | Email
Public Relations: Details | Email
Corporate Donors: Details | Email
Co-sponsors and Benefactors: Details | Email
for more info visit.
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