
Monday, September 6, 2010

2011 Third International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS)

2011 Third International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS)

THE third International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS) will be held in Bangalore, India from 4 January 2011 to 8 January 2011. COMSNETS is a premier international conference dedicated to addressing emerging topics and challenges in Networking and Communications Systems.

The goal of the conference is to create a world-class gathering of researchers from academia and industry, practitioners, business leaders, intellectual property experts and venture capitalists, providing a launch pad for new innovative business and technology. The conference will include a highly selective technical program consisting of two parallel tracks of submitted papers, a small set of invited papers on important and timely topics from w ell-known leaders in the field, and poster sessions of early work.

Focused workshops and panel discussions will be held on emerging topics to allow for a lively exchange of ideas. International business and government leaders will be invited to share their perspectives, complementing the technical program.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Internet architecture and protocols
* Network-based applications
* Video Distribution (IPTV, Mobile video, Video on Demand)
* Network Operations and Management
* Local and Metro Area Networks, including Wireless
* Broadband and Cellular Networks (3G/4G, WiMAX/LTE, UWB)
* Mesh, Sensor and PAN Networks
* Software in wireless communications (cognitive radios, dynamic spectrum access, SDR)
* Wireless operating systems and mobile platforms
* Optical Networks
* Network Security
* Cloud and Utility computing
* Storage area networks
* Next generation Web architectures
* Vehicular Networking
* Energy-Efficient Networking
* Network Science and Emergent Behavior in Socio-Technical Networks
* Social networking analysis, middleware and applications
* Networking technologies for Smart Energy Grids

Call for PAPers:

Papers describing original research work and practical experiences/experimental results are solicited on topics including, but not limited to:


Manuscript Submission Guidelines:

Submission Process

Manuscript submission involves a two step process---a registration and the final manuscript submission, both of which share the same deadline (i.e., there is no separate registration vs. submission deadline). Papers may be registered and submitted on EDAS at

The paper registration and submission deadline is currently September 13, 2010 at 11:59pm EDT. While we expect to adhere very closely to the above deadlines, as with many conferences, there may be a very modest extension. However, authors should not count on such a deadline extension and should be prepared to submit their paper within this specific deadline.

Formatting and Paper Size Guidelines

Full papers submitted for review should have a maximum number of 10 pages, and should adhere to the formatting guidelines described below. At the discretion of the TPC chairs, a small set of borderline papers may be invited for inclusion as ``Poster Papers'', with a reduced 4-page limit.

Papers must be submitted in PDF (Portable Document Format) and should be compatible with Acrobat (English version). They should not include any special characters or nonstandard fonts. Please ensure that your submissions can be displayed and printed without further processsing using only standard tools and postscript printers.

Make sure that the paper prints well on black-and-white printers.

A document that provides simplified requirements for creating PDF Files is available. It describes the essential steps in distilling PDFs. Please pay particular attention to figures and graphs in the paper to ensure that they are legible when printed using standard black-and-white printers.

The formatting guidelines for the submission and that for the final camera-ready version of the accepted papers are identical.

Overall appearance: Accepted papers will appear in IEEEXplore. Therefore, the submitted papers should adhere to the appearance of the standard IEEE twocolumn format that is used for IEEE Conference Proceedings. The papers should be typeset using 10pt font on US Letter paper with margins no smaller than 0.75in for the top margin, 1.0in for the bottom margin, and 0.625in for side margins.

For your convenience the templates for typesetting with LaTeX and Microsoft Word are available. Authors are strongly encouraged to use one of the style guides below

* LaTeX: Document, Bibliography.
* MS Word: Paper.doc

For those typesetting using Latex, examine the IEEEtran LaTeX Class (template) V1.7 packages and IEEEtran V1.12 BibTeX (bibliography) packages. Be sure to use the template's conference mode. See template documentation for details.

For complete formatting specifications, you can download the IEEE Format Definition Table and Glossary here.

See Camera Ready Paper Submission Guidelines for further information on formatting guidelines. Please use link, for details regarding font embedding in your final manuscript.

Prior to submitting your final manuscript, please check if the document is IEEE Explore compatible. For information on embedding fonts into your document, see link.

For reasons of reviewing fairness, papers that exceed the page limit and/or are incorrectly formatted will not be accepted for review.


* Submission of papers to COMSNETS 2011 carries with it the implied agreement that the paper represents original work. We will follow the plagiarism policy of IEEE Communications Society. See and the links therein. All submitted papers will be subjected to a "similarity test". Papers achieving a high similarity score will be examined and those that are deemed unacceptable will be rejected without a formal review. We also expect to report such unacceptable submissions to the superiors of each of the authors.
* Submission of papers to COMSNETS 2011 also carries with it the implied agreement that one or more of the listed authors will register for and attend the conference and present the paper. Papers not presented at the conference will not be included in the final program or in the digital proceedings. Therefore, authors are strongly encouraged to plan accordingly before deciding to submit a paper.

Papers should be submitted using EDAS and the registration ID created above at:

For questions, contact

Important Dates :

Registration and Submission of Papers:
September 13, 2010 at 11:59am EDT (September 14, 2010 at 9:30am IST)

Notification of Acceptance:
November 8, 2010

Camera-Ready Submission:
December 8, 2010

Contact Us:

For any general queries related to COMSNETS 2011, please send an email to

Local Arrangements Chair

* Sudipta Maitra

Registration Chair

* Chandrika Sridhar
Email: Phone: +91 80 2360 0563.

Web Co-Chairs

* Vinay Bhogase Veerappa
Graphic/Web/UI Designer, Sasken Communication Technologies, India
Email: Phone: +91 9986013417
* Santhana Krishnan B
Ph.D. student, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Email: Phone: +91 9323690910

for more info visit.

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