
Sunday, May 26, 2013

MIMO technology: Future of wireless communication

            Last few years have seen rapid changes in the wireless technologies. The stage is set for third generation (3G) technology and R&D is aiming at fourth generation (4G) technology.
            The future communication aims at becoming all wireless and mobile supporting any communication, any where, any time and for anybody with a single unique identification number of a person world over for all communication.
            It’s defined as personal communication services (PCS) and may be supported by personal communication network- a global wireless and mobile networks.
This paper briefs out the consequences of multipath fading, the reason of poor quality of services. This paper also put light on the concept of MIMO technology and gives reason why it’s preferable over present day technology.

            Comprehensive broadband, integrated mobile communication will step into all mobile 4G service and communication. The 4G will be the migration from the other generation of mobile services to overcome the limitation of boundary and achieve the integration. The 4G of mobile services aims to total wireless.
            The 4G will be developed to provide high speed transmission, next generation internet support, seamless integrated services and coverage, utilization of higher frequency, lower system cost, seamless personal mobility, mobile multimedia, sufficient spectrum use, quality of service (QoS), reconfigurable network and end-to-end IP systems.
            In conventional wireless communication a single antenna is used at the source and another antenna is used at destination. In many cases it gives rise to problem with multipath fading, making difficult to meet promises aim by the 4G.
            The solution to multipath fading can be solved using MIMO technology. The following paper will outline the concept of MIMO technology and why it’s superior to present the present day technology.

Multipath fading:
            Wireless technologies are not free from the limitations of the available frequency spectrum, fading and multipath fading.
            Multipath fading results when the transmitted signal bounces off object like buildings, office cabinets and hills creating multiple paths for signal to reach the receiver. The same transmitted signal that follows the different path reaches the receiver at different time with different phases. Added together, the several incidences of same signal with different phases and amplitudes may cancel each other, causing signal loss or drop of signal power.
            The expectation from the future wireless mobile networks are high data rate, higher network capacity, better quality of service and lower probability of call drop. With increase data rates, the problem of multipath fading becomes severe.
            The consequences of multipath fading may be delay spread, short time fading, long time fading and Doppler Effect.
            In mobile environments as channel condition changes with the motion of receiver, fading causes short term effect, resulting fluctuation in the received power over time. The receiver may not adapt to the changes .This may degrades quality of service. Short term fading occurs over short time duration.
            The long term fading results in the decreased received power over long time/distance as time increases, the moving receiver usually goes farther away.
            The Doppler Effect occurs in the moving mobiles. It results in the shift of the frequency randomly. Multipath fading, in effect, either causes low received signal power or degraded quality of services, both of which are highly unexpected in future all wireless and mobile communication. The low received power increases the bit-error rate, which in turn limits the data rate.

Concept of MIMO technology:
            Wireless channels input and output modulated signals. For the purpose of modulation, the two basic things are considered are frequency and time. The frequency plan and time plan use ‘bits per hertz’ and ‘bits per second’ as measures for data rate transportation.
            A new dimension to upgrade the data transportation rate is spatial dimension. This is the concept behind multiple input multiple output (MIMO) technology.
            MIMO technology may be seen as an upgrade of single input multiple output
And multiple input single output (MISO). All three technologies namely SIMO, MISO and MIMO uses multipaths for increasing data rate, throughput and reliability. Multiple paths are used by multiple transmit antenna and multiple receiver antenna.
            Multiple antennas at one end either at transmitter or at the receiver were in use long ago. The then use of multiple antennas aimed at beam forming and spatial diversity, which are mainly used to increase the signal to noise ratio. The improved signal to noise ratio decreases the bit-error rate.
            The use of multiple antennas adds the new dimension to digital communication technology which forms the basis of 3G and 4G. The natural dimension of digital technology is time. Added with that, MIMO offers a new space time axis to digital technology. MIMO is therefore termed as ‘space time wirelesses or ‘smart antenna’.
            Digital MIMO is called volume to volume wireless links as it offers parallel bit pipes between transmitter and the receiver.  

Why MIMO?:
            MIMO technology promises higher data rate, higher quality of service and better reliability by exploiting antenna array at both the transmitter and the receiver. Signals at both sides (transmitter and receiver) are mixed such that they either generate multiple parallel, spatial bit pipes and /or add diversity to decrease the bit-error rate.
            Diversity helps in selecting the clearest signal out of many signals, resulting in lower bit-error rate. Multiple bit pipes effectively increases the data rate (quantitative improvement), whereas the reduced bit-error rate improve the quality of service, throughput and reliability (qualitative improvement).
            The fundamental gain in MIMO is increased data rate. Why not use more bandwidth or complex modulation scheme to increase the data rate? The use of more bandwidth depends upon the availability of spectrum and again the use may be difficult to meet the spectral efficiency. All wireless devices use a particular part of radio spectrum. Air traffic radar, for example, operates between 960 and 1215 megahertz and cellphone between 824 to 849 megahertz. As growing number of wireless devices enter the consumer market, the spectrum becomes congested every year. MIMO has potential to expand radio capacity and relieve the burden on existing bandwidth.
            By spreading the transmitted signal over the multiple paths, the MIMO technology increases the chances of signal reception at receiver. It also increases the range of operation.
            Multipath fading causes the distortion by scrambling the copy of the signals reaching the receiver via multiple paths on bouncing of the objects. Then how does the multipath signals work in MIMO? Proper algorithms are used at both the transmitter and receiver to analyses the signal received from different path and different antenna of array.
            Proper spacing of antenna and signal analysis via a matrix manipulation technology that cross-correlate the signals are the requirement of MIMO technology.

            MIMO technology will prove basic building block of total wireless communication. The problems of multipath fading will fade away and uninterrupted service will be available to one and all.
            Future wireless technologies will provide unique and single identification globally. In future this number will be unique like our names.
            With on going R&D in MIMO technology is exploring way towards our fantasies.
If MIMO technology stands on it promises that day is not far when the James Bond style video conversation will be reality?

  1. my oh MIMO, http:\\
  4. MIMO technology: future wireless, EFY,vol: 38 No.1, January 2006.

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