
Sunday, May 26, 2013

BLUETOOTH A wireless system

 The Bluetooth wireless technology was created to solve a simple problem: replace the cables used on mobile devices with radio frequency waves. The technology encompasses a simple low-cost, low-power, global radio system for integration into mobile devices. Such devices can form a quick ad-hoc secure "piconet" and communicate among the connected devices. This technology creates many useful mobile usage models because the connections can occur while mobile devices are being carried in pockets and briefcases                                            
         Bluetooth uses radio waves in 2.4GHz band. The main disadvantage of infrared communication i.e. requirement of ‘line of sight’, gets eliminated as radio waves are used for communication in Bluetooth. Bluetooth only operates at weak wattage levels. Bluetooth works in small confined area of 10 to 15 meters and it can also be increased upto 100 meters by increasing power. Bluetooth use a technology called spread spectrum frequency hopping. It gives security to the system in terms of interference problem. Bluetooth supports not only point-to-point connections but also multipoint connections. The multipoint connection of devices is called as piconet and network of many piconets form scatternet.  Piconet is also called as PAN i.e. ‘Personal Area Network’.In this paper ww will discuss brief about working                                                                        

         Chipsets are very small in size and further smaller chips are in development, hence now a days Bluetooth technology has moved fast in terms of adoptation. So the ‘Special Interest Group’ of Bluetooth (SIG) introduced by Ericsson in 1994, has now tripled in size and has over 2000 companies on board. 


The name Bluetooth refers to the Danish king Harald Blåtand (Bluetooth) who unified Denmark and Norway in the 10th Century.In the beginning of the Bluetooth wireless technology era, Bluetooth was aimed at unifying the telecom and computing industries.

The logo for Bluetooth is based on Runes surrounding the  legend of Harald Bluetooth Bluetooth the technology is based on communications central to man’s own personal space. Fundamentally Bluetooth operates within the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band at 2.4 GHz. It
is a short-range wireless communication standard defined as cable replacement for a   Personal Area Network (PAN).

v  Introduction
ð  what is bluetooth?
                "Think of a connected world of electronic devices and appliances around you!  You click on an icon for a device and you are linked to it, automatically and transparently"  .

     A cable replacement standard has been defined because cables limit mobility of the consumer; they are cumbersome to carry around, are easily lost or broken. Often connectors are prone to difficult to diagnose failures; or are proprietary. To counteract these limitations Bluetooth is designed to be light and portable. It can be embedded to take the riggers of physical knocks and shocks. It includes standards and protocols to make it mobile, robust, reliable and not limited to one manufacturer.
                  The operating band also fits the goals of Bluetooth, imposing requirements as a cable replacement. The cost needs to be comparable with cable. Reductions can be achieved by operating in the licence free 2.4 GHz ISM band, keeping backward compatibility wherever possible lowers the cost of ownership by avoiding upgrades and having a relaxed radio specification enables single chip integrated circuit solutions. It also needs to be as reliable and resilient as cable and cope with errors and degradation caused by interference. For mobile devices it must be compact, lightweight, low power and easy to use.
Briefly, Bluetooth technology
Ø  Evolved from basic cellular digital radio designs implemented in mobile phones since the early 1980s.
ü  Based on 802.11 in ad-hoc mode
Ø  Short range (up to 10m) radio communications standard
Ø  Runs at 2.4 GHz, near microwave frequency                                                               Unlicensed part of spectrum
Ø  No line of sight is required
Ø  Performs fast frequency hopping (1600 hops/sec) between 79 points to avoid interference
Ø  Is full duplex
Ø  Low power, 30-100mA during sustained data transmissions
Ø  Devices automatically switch to power saving mode
Ø  Bandwidth is wide enough to carry voice & data
ü  an asynchronous data channel, or
ü  up to 3 simultaneous synchronous voice channels, or
ü  a channel which simultaneously supports asynchronous data and synchronous voice.
Ø  Transfers data at 721 Kbps
Ø  three to eight times the average speed of parallel and serial ports, respectively.
Ø  Up to 7 simultaneous connections can be established and maintained

v  Frequency Hopping technique
We have addressed the reasons for the Bluetooth without delving into the ‘nuts and bolts’ of the technology to discover how it operates. For the majority of countries the ISM band used by Bluetooth is available from 2.40-2.4835 GHz, although some countries impose restrictions. In this band Bluetooth uses Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) techniques in order to improve its immunity from interference.
In unrestricted countries the radios hop in pseudo random sequences around all available channels, this equates to 79 RF channels with a channel spacing of 1 MHz. Starting at a base frequency of 2402 MHz then the frequency of the channels, f, can be expressed as:
f =2402 + n MHz

where, n, is the channel number with an integer value in the range of 0 to 78. In restricted countries a limited frequency hopping schemes with just 23 channels is used and is catered for in the Bluetooth specification. Both hopping schemes have a 1 MHz channel spacing making it possible to design a simple radio interface whereby the baseband only has to specify a channel number and the radio multiplies this up to the appropriate frequency offset.

In this FHSS scheme there are 1600 hops per second, which is a hop every 625 µs. Part of this hop timing is taken up by the guard time of 220 µs allowing the synthesizer time to settle. The frequency hopping implements time division multiplexing as shown in Figure 2. The basis of the scheme has the Master device transmitting in the first 625 us slot, k, and here the Slave receives. In the next slot k = 1 the Slave is permitted to transmit and the master listens.

Fig: Frequency hopping,master and  slave interact of corresponding slots


The radio must be able to retune and stabilise on a new frequency within tight time constraints. This is pushed further when establishing a connection; the hop rate can be shortened to every 312.5 us. As the radios are constantly hopping to different radio channels, this ensures that packets affected by interference on one channel can be retransmitted on a different frequency channel. To further enhance resilience both ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest) and FEC (Forward Error Correction) form part of the specification.
One drawback with the normal hop sequence is the time taken for production testing. Bluetooth ensures adequate frequency coverage with a test sequence allowing the radios to be tested at a faster rate

v  The Protocol Stack
The Bluetooth specifications define not only a radio system but cover the underlying structure. The Core Specification contains a software protocol stack similar to the more familiar Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) standard reference model for communication protocol stacks. It permits applications to discover devices, the services they offer and permission to use these services. The stack is a sequence of layers with features crossing single or multiple layered boundaries. Figure 4 outlines the stack with each block corresponding to a Core Specification chapter. Other remaining chapters relate to compliance requirements, test modes and test control interface.

                                    fig :  The Bluetooth protocol stack
If we ascend the stack, we first come across the fundamental component, the radio. The radio modulates and demodulates data for transmitting and receiving over the air. The operating band of the radio is divided into 1 MHz spaced channels with a chosen modulation scheme of Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (GFSK). Each channel is specified to signal at 1mega symbols per second, equivalent to 1 Mb/s. Above the radio are the Baseband and Link Controller, they are responsible for controlling the physical links via the radio, assembling the packets and controlling the frequency hopping.
Progressing through the layers, the Link Manager (LM) controls and configures links to other devices. The Host Controller Interface (HCI) is above the             LM layer and is probably one of the most important layers to consider as a designer. It handles communication between host and the module. The standard defines the HCI command packets that the host uses to control the module, the event packets used by the host to inform lower protocol layers of changes, the data packets for voice and data traffic between host and module and the transport layer used by the HCI packets. The transport layer can be USB (H2), RS232 (H3), UART (4) or a robust proprietary standard such as BCSP (BlueCore Serial Protocol).
The Logical Link Control and Adaptation (L2CAP) is a multiplexor, adapting data from higher layers and converting between different packet sizes. The next 4 layers could be loosely grouped as communication interfaces. These are RFCOMM (Radio Frequency COMMunication port) which provides an RS232 like serial interface. Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) and OBject  EXchange (OBEX) are responsible for providing interfaces to other Communications Protocols. The final member of this rough grouping is the Telephony Control protocol Specification (TCS) providing telephony services. Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) lets devices discover the services available on another Bluetooth device.
            The application layer is probably obvious, but the standard provides Profiles laying out rules for how applications use the protocol stack, ensuring interoperability at application level.

v  The Profiles—A Hierarchy of Groups

The Bluetooth specification defines a wide range of profiles, describing many different types of tasks, some of which have not yet been implemented by any device or system.. For information on other profiles, including those still in development, see the Bluetooth specification.                                                                                               

At a minimum, each profile specification contains information on the following topics:                                                                                                                 Dependencies on other profiles. Every profile depends on the base profile, called the generic access profile, and some also depend on intermediate profiles.Suggested user interface formats. Each profile describes how a user should view the profile so that a consistent user experience is maintained.                                             Specific parts of the Bluetooth protocol stack used by the profile. To perform its task, each profile uses particular options and parameters at each layer of the stack. This may include an outline of the required service record, if appropriate

ð  The Base Profile

At the base of the profile hierarchy is the generic access profile (GAP), which defines a consistent means to establish a baseband link between Bluetooth devices. In addition to this, the GAP defines:

ü  Which features must be implemented in all Bluetooth devices
ü  Generic procedures for discovering and linking to devices
ü  Basic user-interface terminology
All other profiles are based on the GAP. This allows each profile to take advantage of the features the GAP provides and ensures a high degree of interoperability between applications and devices. It also makes it easier for developers to define new profiles by leveraging existing definitions

ð  Other Profiles

            The service discovery application profile describes how an application should use the SDP (described in “The Bluetooth Protocol Stack”) to discover services on a remote device. As required by the GAP, any Bluetooth device should be able to connect to any other Bluetooth device. Based on this, the service discovery application profile requires that any application be able to find out what services are available on any Bluetooth device it connects to.         
          The human interface device (HID) profile describes how to communicate with a HID class device using a Bluetooth link. It describes how to use the USB HID protocol to discover a HID class device’s feature set and how a Bluetooth device can support HID services using the L2CAP layer.                                                             


Figure 1-2  The Bluetooth profiles

As its name suggests, the serial port profile defines RS-232 serial-cable emulation for Bluetooth devices. As such, the profile allows legacy applications to use Bluetooth as if it were a serial-port link, without requiring any modification. The serial port profile uses the RFCOMM protocol to provide the serial-port emulation.                 
The dial-up networking (DUN) profile is built on the serial port profile and describes how a data-terminal device, such as a laptop computer, can use a gateway device, such as a mobile phone or a modem, to access a telephone-based network. Like other profiles built on top of the serial port profile, the virtual serial link created by the lower layers of the Bluetooth protocol stack is transparent to applications using the DUN profile. Thus, the modem driver on the data-terminal device is unaware that it is communicating over Bluetooth. The application on the data-terminal device is similarly unaware that it is not connected to the gateway device by a cable.            
 The headset profile describes how a Bluetooth-enabled headset should communicate with a computer or other Bluetooth device (such as a mobile phone). When connected and configured, the headset can act as the remote device’s audio input and output interface.
The hardcopy cable replacement profile describes how to send rendered data over a Bluetooth link to a device, such as a printer. Although other profiles can be used for printing, the HCRP is specially designed to support hardcopy applications.
The generic object exchange profile provides a generic blueprint for other profiles using the OBEX protocol and defines the client and server roles for devices. As with all OBEX transactions, the generic object exchange profile stipulates that the client initiate all transactions. The profile does not, however, describe how applications should define the objects to exchange or exactly how the applications should implement the exchange. These details are left to the profiles that depend on the generic object exchange profile, namely the object push, file transfer, and synchronization profiles.
The object push profile defines the roles of push server and push client. These roles are analogous to and must interoperate with the server and client device roles the generic object exchange profile defines. The object push profile focuses on a narrow range of object formats for maximum interoperability. The most common of the acceptable formats is the vCard format. If an application needs to exchange data in other formats, it should use another profile, such as the file transfer profile.
The file transfer profile is also dependent on the generic object exchange profile. It provides guidelines for applications that need to exchange objects such as files and folders, instead of the more limited objects supported by the object push profile. The file transfer profile also defines client and server device roles and describes the range of their responsibilities in various scenarios. For example, if a client wishes to browse the available objects on the server, it is required to support the ability to pull from the server a folder-listing object. Likewise, the server is required to respond to this request by providing the folder-listing object.
The synchronization profile is another dependent of the generic object exchange profile. It describes how applications can perform data synchronization, such as between a personal data assistant (PDA) and a computer. Not surprisingly, the synchronization profile, too, defines client and server device roles. The synchronization profile focuses on the exchange of personal information management (PIM) data, such as a to-do list, between Bluetooth-enabled devices. A typical usage of this profile would be an application that synchronizes your computer’s and your PDA’s versions of your PIM data. The profile also describes how an application can support the automatic synchronization of data—in other words, synchronization that occurs when devices discover each other, rather than at a user’s command.

v  Piconet,and Scatternet

ð  Master and Slave Operation.
Bluetooth devices exist in small ad-hoc network configuration with the ability to operate as either master or the slave; the specification also allows a mechanism for master and slave to switch their roles. The configurations can be single point, which is the simplest configuration with one master and one slave. Multipoint, called a Piconet, based on up to 7 slaves clustered around a single Master. And a third type called a Scatternet, this is a group of Piconets effectively hubbed via a single Bluetooth device acting as a master in one Piconet and a slave in the other Piconet. The Scatternet permits either larger coverage areas or number of devices than a single Piconet can offer. Figure 5 outlines the different master and slave topologies permitted for networks in the standard.

             fig : point to point ,piconet & scatternet

The role of the master is to control the available bandwidth between the slaves, it calculates and allocates how often to communicate with each slave and locks them into the appropriate frequency hopping sequence. The specification describes an algorithm that calculates the hop sequence, the seed being based on the master’s device address and clock. In addition to hop sequence control, the master is responsible for transmit control by dividing the network into a series of time slots amongst the net members, as part of a Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) scheme. These time slots can consist of data and potentially additional voice traffic i.e. you will always need a data channel before you can add a voice channel. The time slot is defined as 625 µs and all packet traffic is allocated 1, 3 or 5 slots, grouped together in transmit and receive pairs. Prior to connection some operations such as inquiry, paging and scanning operations may sometimes occur on half slots.

 v  bluetooth Security
Ø  Bluetooth guarantees security at the bit level. Authentication of any device is controlled by the user by using a 128 bit key. Radio signals can be coded with 8 bits or anything up to 128 bits.

Ø  Bluetooth protocol has these components:

ü  Random Number Generation

ü  Encryption (128-bit WEP)

ü  Encryption Key Management

ü  Authentication

Ø  Devices can be assigned a PIN which must be verified before others can access it

Ø  Devices have unique 48 bit Bluetooth address

Ø  Bluetooth uses Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) techniques in order to improve its immunity from interference. .

Ø  Fast frequency hopping provides some security

ü  Only synchronised nodes can follow transmissions

Ø  Uses checksums & FEC (Forward Error Correction) to detect & fix corruption of data & limits the impact of random noise on long-distance links.

v  comparison with infrared and  802.11b
ð  Infrared vs. Bluetooth
Ø  The infrared beams have a major disadvantage because it is all done by line of sight. 
Ø  Line of sight is exactly how your eyes function; if you can not see an object you do not know it’s there.
Ø  The infrared transmitter must be in direct sight of the device. 
Ø  This means the user can not use the device in other rooms and it has a weaker signal since it always has to be in direct sight of the transmitter.
Ø   Since Bluetooth uses radio signals, the devices do not have to be in direct sight of the Bluetooth transmitter

Bluetooth's biggest perception problem has nothing to do with Bluetooth itself. The meteoric rise in popularity of IEEE 802.11b (WiFi) wireless networking devices has left many users wondering if they need Bluetooth at all. IEEE 802.11b offers faster speeds and greater range than Bluetooth. To further confuse matters, the two systems share space in the unlicensed 2.4 GHz radio spectrum, and it is possible for Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11b systems to interfere with one another.

There's also a public perception that IEEE 802.11b and Bluetooth compete with one another. While both can be used to connect computers into an ad-hoc network, the two systems are really complementary technologies that meet very different needs. Refer to the table below for important fundamental differences between Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11b.
Contrasting Technologies
ArrowHere are important fundamental differences between Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11b

IEEE 802.11b
Doesn't typically have an access point--devices on a Bluetooth PAN communicate directly with one another.
IEEE 802.11b allows mobility over a very large area. When out of range of one IEEE 802.11b access point, another takes over.
Use of Radio Band/Spectrum
2.4 GHz radio band/Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
2.4 GHz radio band/Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSS)
QOS Features
A proposed extension will add this feature, paving the way for wireless IP telephones
Radio Signal
Weaker signal provides for more conservative use of battery power (designed for PDAs, wearable headsets, cell phones)
Stronger signal provides more power but uses 10 to 100 more power than Bluetooth (designed for notebook computers, where the additional current drain is negligible


v  Advantages & Disadvantages

ü  Advantages

1.      It eliminates the need of cables or wires for connecting various devices.
2.      The capital cost is low .
3.      Chips are available in very small size having area 0.9 cm square, and much smaller chip versions are in development.
4.      Almost  any electronic device can be connected.
5.      Unlike infra-red, Bluetooth does not require line-of-sight positioning of connected devices.

ü  Disadvantages

1.      The maximum range for this technology is 10 meter, which limits the space of PAN and/or limits the connection accessibility needed by other electronic devices to perform an action.
2.      The maximum capacity of data transmission with this technology one mega bit per second, which makes the information exchange very slow when handling large size files or folders.

v  Applications
Automatic communication between various devices within a small area makes it possible to provide unique and innovative services to the professional  workers using portable devices. Bluetooth technology has this potential and is coming along fast and quick. It will replace clumsy wires, make information transfer automatic and introduce many new applications, as follows
1.      The Bluetooth technology connects all office peripherals wirelessly. We can connect  PC or notebook to printers, scanners and faxes without cable attachments. 
2.      If digital camera is  Bluetooth enabled, we can send  video images from any location to any location without the hassle of connecting the camera to the mobile phone on the wire line phone.
3.      Bluetooth allows us to have three way phones. At home, your phone functions as a portable phone (fixed line charge). When you're on the move, it functions as a mobile phone (cellular charge). And when your phone comes within range of another mobile phone with built-in Bluetooth wireless technology it functions as a walkie-talkie (no telephony charge).

4.       We can connect wireless headset to mobile phone, mobile computer or any  wired connection to keep our hands free for more important tasks when we're    at the office or in car.
Automatic Message Delivery : Compose e-mails on  portable PC while you're on an airplane. As soon as you've landed and switched on your mobile phone, all messages are immediately sent.

6.      Upon arriving at the home, the door automatically unlocks, the entry way lights come on, and the heat is adjusted to pre-set preferences.
7.      There are in automobile’s navigation system, when the driver opens the car door with his or her palm pilot, the palm and navigation system automatically communicate and transfer driving instructions. 

v  Conclusion

This was an overview of Bluetooth giving insight to the key features and potential challenges of the technology. The technology occupies the 2.4 GHz ISM band sharing the bandwidth with potential competing standards. It defines a Personal Area Network (PAN) whereas others advocate a Wide Area Network (WAN) approach. It is best positioned as a short-range wireless standard designed with the same cost goals and similar or greater reliability and performance as the cable it replaces. Based on a frequency agile FHSS scheme it leverages hopping to avoid interference and it was not intended as a replacement for wireless LAN in a WAN scenario, because as yet it does not fully specify a hand over mechanism.

The importance of the Bluetooth SIG and how its specifications aid development of applications was highlighted, especially through the profiles, and their interoperability is assured through the qualification process. A flavour of the applications was explored through the functionality and where particular attention must be paid to the protocol stack for system segmentation. But to thoroughly investigate Bluetooth a list of further reading and applicable websites is given in the reference section. The latest specifications including the profiles are available from the Bluetooth SIG website. Reading specifications can seem a little ‘one dimensional’ but read in conjunction with a good book, whilst using a development tool from one of the Bluetooth silicon vendors, then the jigsaw pieces to really start to fit.
Still, with its all advantages, the Bluetooth technology is in its primary stages. Hence, we hope that, through the impending development phases, it will have the potential to address most of its current shortcomings.

v  rererences
ð  J. Bray and C.F. Sturman, “Bluetooth: Connect Without Cables”, Prentice Hall.

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