Modern Trends In Manufacturing-VMS
Following are the words of Abraham Lincoin that were offered to the nation in the time of crisis and change, “ The dog man of quiet part will not work in the turbulent future. As our cause is new so we must think and act a new.” And we are truly in turbulent times. A rapidly shrinking world is changing at an increasingly frantic rate. Manufacturing systems and processes are being combined with simulation technology, computer hardware, and operating systems to reduce costs and increase company profitability. Perhaps one of the most interesting and important of these recent developments is called "Virtual Manufacturing." Often termed "The Next Revolution in Global Manufacturing, "In Lawrence Associates' Virtual Manufacturing User Workshop report, Virtual Manufacturing (VM) is defined to be an integrated, synthetic manufacturing environment exercised to enhance all levels of decision and control. Virtual manufacturing involves the simulation of a product and the processes involved in its fabrication. They directly affect profitability by reducing the cost of production, material usage, and warranty liabilities. In addition, virtual manufacturing also reduces the cost of tooling, eliminates the need for multiple physical prototypes, and reduces material waste.
This allows everyone to "GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME." Virtual Manufacturing can provide an application environment for the technologies from the virtual reality and virtual prototyping. VM may provide information about the product, process, production, and shop floor control to be shared over networks. This paper presents the study of the Virtual Manufacturing Systems, which includes paradigms of VMS, requirements of VMS, Relationships between VM, Virtual Prototyping, the Virtual Enterprise, benefits, The Technical Barriers, key recommendations and case study of IMACS, A System for Computer-Aided Manufacturability Analysis.
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