VLSI stands for very large scale integration. It is the process of placing thousands (or hundred of thousands) of electronic components on a single chip. VLSI allows manufactures to fabricate a CPU, main memory or even all the electronic circuits of a computer, on a single I.C. that can be mass produced at very low cost. Electronics, as we know it today is characterized by high reliability, low power, extremely low weight Volume & low cost. There are many advantages of VLSI such as Reduction in size, power, design cycle time, design security, easy upgradation, low cost, remote programmability & long time in market.
In the family of VLSI it consists of PLDs, ASICs & EDA tools, HDLs today are used to describe hardware for the purpose of Modeling, simulation, Synthesis, verification & Documentation. In VLSI the basic circuit is constructed using a hardware description language such as VHDL or VERILOG. The programmable logic application in VLSI is SPLD, CPLD & FPGA.
In the family of VLSI it consists of PLDs, ASICs & EDA tools, HDLs today are used to describe hardware for the purpose of Modeling, simulation, Synthesis, verification & Documentation. In VLSI the basic circuit is constructed using a hardware description language such as VHDL or VERILOG. The programmable logic application in VLSI is SPLD, CPLD & FPGA.
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