International Conference on Computational Methods in Manufacturing ICCMM 2011 December 15-16, 2011 IIT Guwahati
Organized by
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India.
About the conference
In the present era, manufacturing industry is the backbone of the economy of a nation. Due to globalization, there is a stiff competition in this industry for producing the quality products with reduced cost. There is a strong motivation for optimizing the manufacturing process using computational techniques for modeling the processes. Many a times, the processes are simulated before the actual production starts. The present conference focuses on the latest developments in the field of computational methods applied to manufacturing. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity to share and disseminate knowledge in latest hard and soft computing methods that may be applied in the modeling and optimization of manufacturing processes. The major focus will be on industrial application of academic knowledge. In addition to contributory papers, the conference aims at inviting renowned experts for delivering keynote addresses/special lectures in the field of computational methods applied to manufacturing.
Call For Papers:
Abstract submission: Instructions to authors
The organizing committee invites papers from academicians and scientists. Both review and research articles are welcome. A two page abstract, including figures and tables, in an A4 size sheet (single spacing with 12 point font) should be sent by email to The status (selected/not selected) of the abstract will be intimated to corresponding author after peer review. Later a full paper of the selected abstract not exceeding eight pages on an A4 sheet should be submitted in MSWORD format. The full papers thus submitted will be included either for oral presentation or poster presentation at the discretion of the selection panel.
Registration and accommodation:
The registration fee will be Rs.5000/- for Indian and USD 500 for foreign delegates. At least one author of the accepted paper has to register for presentation. The participants have to arrange for accommodation and food on their own. A special conference dinner will be arranged for the participants. About 30 rooms will be available in guest house and 100 in hostels. The rooms booking will be based on first-cum first-serve basis.
Important dates:
Submission of abstracts: FEBRUARY 15 2011
Intimation about abstract acceptance: APRIL 30 2011
Submission of full paper: MAY 15 2011
Review comments of full paper: JUNE 30 2011
Submission of camera ready paper: JULY 30 2011
Late date for registration: NOVEMBER 20 2011
The conference venue is Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, IITG in abbreviated form. The campus of IITG is on a sprawling 285 hectares plot of land on the north bank of the river Brahmaputra around 20 kilometers from the heart of the city. With the majestic Brahmaputra on one side, and with hills and vast open spaces on the other side, the campus provides an ideal setting for learning. The institute has all required facilities like health center, students' hostels, faculty and staff quarters, guest house, library, computer center, sports facilities, canteens etc. There are few good hospitals in Guwahati city that are located at about 20 kilometers from the institute. The Guwahati city is well connected to all major cities like Chennai, Kolkata, New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and other metro cities through air, road, and rail. The institute is located at about 15 kilometers from airport and railway station. The weather is generally cold in December reaching 5-10°C during night time. It is worth visiting tourist places like world famous Kaziranga National Park, Shillong, Cherrapunji while visiting Guwahati.
For information, contact
Dr. Uday S. Dixit
Department of Mechanical Engineering
IIT Guwahati, Guwahati 781 039
Assam, India
Phone: 91-361-2582657, 2582669
Fax: 91-361-2690762, 2582699
for more info visit.
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