
Thursday, March 7, 2013


10- 14 June, 2013
Dr. Harshit K. Dave
Assistant Professor, MED
Co coordinator
Dr. Keyur P. Desai
Professor, MED
Organized by
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology,
Ichchhanath, Surat - 395007, Gujarat, INDIA
About Surat:
Surat is a top ranking industrial city of the country with clean wide roads and over bridges. It is well known worldwide for textiles, zari, embroidery and diamond industries. Several large scale industries are located in the city. Surat is situated on the main western railway route between Vadodara and Mumbai and connected to all part of the country through rail network. Further, daily flights connect Surat with New Delhi and Mumbai. The institute is located at Ichchhanath on Surat-Dumas road at a distance of about 10 Km from Surat railway station and airport.

About the Institute:
The institute was initially established as Sardar Vallabhbhai Regional College of Engineering & Technology in 1961. It was later upgraded as a National Institute of Technology in 2002. It has been accorded the status of institute of national importance. SVNIT is one of the pioneering engineering institutions of the country which has nurtured many outstanding engineers in India& abroad. At present, the institute runs seven UG programs, eighteen PG programs and a Ph.D. program in all disciplines of engineering and applied sciences. The institute has an excellent placement record with a number of top ranking companies visiting the campus every year.

About the Department:
The Department of Mechanical Engineering came into existence in the year 1961. The department has a team of 42 qualified and dedicated faculty members having specialization in various areas. At present the department is conducting a UG program (Mechanical Engineering), five PG programs (Mechanical Engineering, Turbo-machines, Industrial Process Equipment Design, CAD/CAM, and Thermal System Design) and a research program leading to M.Tech (Research) and Ph.D. degree.

About the Program:
The basic objective of the present program is to acquaint the participants with the principles and working of various material processing techniques. The participants will be able to understand the basic concepts and gain state of the art knowledge in various streams of material processing. Further, it is also aimed to appraise the participants about the ongoing research in the course area and facilitate mutual cooperation for knowledge sharing and research applications. This program will deal with various material processing methods like metal forming, machining, casting, welding, etc. Practical demonstration/ Simulation/hands on practice shall also be part of the course content to facilitate in depth understanding of the material processing methods.
Course content:
(i) Introduction to material processing methods
(ii) Metal forming processes: Initiation of plastic deformation; Various methods to solve forming problems; slip line method; bulk forming processes like forging, rolling, etc.; sheet metal forming analysis ; Advances in metal forming processes
(iii) Machining Science and processes: Mechanics of metal cutting; fundamentals and analysis of Unconventional machining processes; Micro machining processes
(iv) Casting processes: Solidification of casting, Design of casting, advanced casting processes
(v) Welding processes: Physics of welding process, Advanced processes

Program Faculty:
The resource persons for the program shall include faculty from host institute, various prestigious institutes as well as experts from industries.

Eligibility for Participation:
The training program is open to faculty members from engineering institutes (degree & diploma), research scholars and industry personnel who are working in mechanical, production, material science and metallurgy field.

Registration Fee:
The registration fees for the program shall be Rs. 2000/- for faculty from academic institutions; Rs. 1500/-for Research Scholars and Rs. 4000/- for Industry personnel & practicing engineers. Registration fee includes registration kit, course material and working lunch. Accommodation in institute hostels shall be provided to participants upon prior request on payment basis. The participants have to bear their own travelling expenses. Research scholars have to attach bonafide certificate or photocopy of their valid identity card along with registration form. The nonrefundable registration fees should be sent in the form of a Demand Draft in favour of “Director, SVNIT” payable at Surat. In case, if a candidate is not selected for the training, then the DD shall be returned back at the address provided in registration form.

Last Date of Registration:
Hard copy of the duly filled and signed registration form along with registration fee should reach the coordinator on or before 15th May 2013. However, scanned advanced copy of registration form and demand draft may be sent through email for early registration.

Address for correspondence:
Dr. Harshit K. Dave
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
S. V. National Institute of Technology, Ichchhanath, Surat – 395007, Gujarat, India
Phone: (0261) 2201988 (O) ; 09099567939 (M)
Email ID: ;
For more details visit

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